XXXMAS Day Sixteen - Sex Toys

Oliver then grabbed ahold of each side of marco's head and slammed their faces together. out of shock, marco's mouth opened in a gasp.

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What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Twelve.

It snarl standing up and with a swipe knocked the still smoking bud from marco's lips. his nails cut marco's cheek. in the next second marco was slammed against the door, lifted up by two strong paws gripping his sweater.

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Lykos 2-19 - Fracture

marco shouted. yom was still standing on the catwalk, looking down at where the hunters bodies were, holding the sonic stunner in his hands. marco slowed, "yom?" he called up, giving him another moment, "artyom!" marco shouted.

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Lykos 2-05 - Waxing Moon

Yom then held the keys out for marco to take. marco blinked and then turned back to his russian pack mate. "artyom yashin, what did you do?" marco asked.

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What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Eight.

marco did admit that that smile was very...animal. honest with a lack of anything else behind it. simple. dumb would be a good way to put it and marco couldn't help smiling in turn though. "hey genius." marco pointed out with a laugh.

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Lykos - 06 - Vacation

marco closed his hand around the stone, smiling warmly. "thank you, thank you very much sir." marco said.

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Feral Heart - Day 3 (2/2)

It wasn't as though he were hurting anyone, marco thought. the werewolf that he was reading about shouldn't be antagonized for trying to build a family. perhaps it was lonely. like marco.

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Lykos 3-12 - Object Lesson

marco's raccoon tail tucked between his legs a little. "it's not so bad when you say it, i guess because you were the first." marco commented, "i just like to know what's going on." marco admitted.

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De-Evolution - Post NaNo 1

Tisha looked up at marco, grinning up at him as an idea formed in her mind. "marco, you need to stay here with the chief, so when the elders approve you becoming a member of the tribe, you can get ready.

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 14

She said, patting marco. marco was probably enjoying this opportunity to act like a hero to his wife. --"before you go, can you get some wood?" she asked. --marco looked around.

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Someday, I Know

As he introduced himself he glanced to the row with marcos, lucas and brutus, hoping to see marcos smiling and watching. after all, marcos never attended one of jimmy's shows since they've been together, minus when they first met.

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Lykos 2-18 - Flashpoint

Udo inhaled deeper, catching marco's scent. his hybrid ears heard marco's heartbeat growing stronger.

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