Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 4

"okay, i know where you're going because i was feeling the pointlessness of my life so strongly i felt like i was treading molasses." "treading molasses?" "like treading water, but you're less likely to sink in it.

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Break Room

Thick, voluminous ropes of seed sloshed out from roan's shaft like molasses being dragged out of a tree until the actual flood happened.

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My life with Blaziken chapter 24

At current, the only thing i had managed was making unspecified material 2 slightly more fun than molasses in winter. "couldn't you just get a chessboard or something?" "have one. it's in the living room under the table.

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Born of Chaos Ch. 3

He laughed again and waved his hand at the river running through the city, turning it into molasses. the ponies bathing in it trying to swim back towards the shore was a sight to see.

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Latexia's Horse Toy

Nevertheless, it swirled around like a slightly less firm molasses, and it was dark as pitch and not nearly so warming. he shivered as he looked at it, remembering how it looked when latexia used her abilities to wrap people up.

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#2: Esoteric Dick Stroking

She wraps her lips deep underneath another cock and licks all the way down this beast, keeping her eyes barely open even as drool and cum slick her face like even sweeter molasses. she sucks it in.

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He did it again, though slower and with more deliberate motion, and another deep groan of orgasmic bliss rolled out of him at the speed of frozen molasses.

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Gift of Dragon

Your ass slams against the (thankfully softened from the crash) ground, cock still firing rope after rope of thick, potent seed; it's very different from what you're used to seeing, almost opaque pearly white with a hint of yellow, and thick like molasses.

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As if moving through molasses, horatio, at last, unfastened the buckle. at last, he felt the collar's vice-like grip loosen significantly, he gasped for air, his limbs slumped against the mattress in relief.

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Prologue

Like he had a mouthful of molasses. "than its sweet, sweet, payday." the first man rubbed his rough hands together in glee. "hey don't get cocky, they said she was extra dangerous."

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PoiPonies (wun local kine story frum Hawaii)

Malama sighed tiredly as he mashed his way through purple mud as thick and sticky as molasses while the smell of rotting plants and stagnating muddy water slapped his sensitive nostrils like an after-taste of some kind of manure.

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Hive Breeder

Said the voice in michelles head mulled this over it took her about 5 minutes as her thoughts moved like molasses "so you take body over me need you for think?
