Burdens of Divinity - Prologue

Aurentos kept his gaze on the intricate mosaic floor. his mind raced with imagined scenarios. mother was sure to explain more, but already he was thinking of what eh would need to do comply. one does not make whelps from thin air.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 28

As the old man leaves you waiting for a bit he returns with a needle mosaic of catharsion. zalisi states you saw this before. "contraband, only 13 of these got made. the twins banned any imagery not of themselves" disarria tilts her head.

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Chapter 1: A little warming up

He turned and left his semen splashed across the mirror in an outlandish mosaic. he walked, with his dick still partially erect out of the bathroom, and across his hardwood bedroom floor.

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Time Prison

There was an indoor fountain with mosaic tiling depicting the twelve olympian gods. i asked how often i came into this room but michael just looked at me and said nothing.

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Chapter 1: Hatching

He was confused as to how the egg, now cracked into a veritable mosaic, hadn't shed even a single chip, but his musing was cut tragicaly short when the egg's occupant decided it was time, and shattered the egg violently from the inside, sending shards flying


Curiosity & Seduction

A stellar mosaic of colours smear against closed lids, your lips soon invaded by his moist wiggling tongue, sucking hungrily as your climax starts to rise.

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Skipping Town

What happened next was blurry, like a mosaic of violence and shifting colors. the two of them were bare. his father had made for the door, but he was stopped short. his wife screamed and begged.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 1

) of his "love of 3 years" performing promiscuous acts with another man, who was a mouser that also had his face also obscured by mosaics.

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The Warmest Treasure

The soft bulge of testicles seemed to rest like pearls in the moonlight, and the sheath, which held a deeper secret, lay nestled securely beneath the mesmerizing mosaic of soft underbelly scales.

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Into Darkness: Bouyancy

Organic columns buttress the walls, and the names of every colonist are inscribed into the mosaic of stars and nebulae over churning seas that wraps around the massive auditorium, each name paired with that of his or her chrysalis ai.

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The Machine

A metallic mosaic. alien, and animalistic, i understand when a surge of current penetrates my mind. activates something. me. with impossible realizations. my face has been distorted with a conical beak.

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Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift

Spiders had fled and scattered at onslaughts, creating mosaics of families that hid at the whiff of any trouble. they were used to dark, whether cave or cover of night. he suspected they might even find it comforting, away from diurnal humans.

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