
See the threads that bind us, friends and threads are alike, neoplatonist nonsense oh! minotaur, oh minotaur! we share the same fate death is never the end!

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The Northlands, Chapter II: Revelations

Fenrir rubbed his eyes gently at the bewildering nonsense, "never heard of you....could you please step aside? we need to get going." thrashbarg waved his arms about in theatrical fashion, flailing about. "i cannot!

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The Dragon's Paladin Chapter 7: Next Time Lets Just Fly

I will sort out this nonsense with the false charges on my own." he turned to veledar who had narrowed eyes. "ready?" "i cannot do that." veledar said.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Fourteen

"stop this nonsense!" snapped grandpa teddy. "if this isn't real, then what's happening?" the answer came to me in an instant. "i'm still in feverdream field. the fumes. all of this is just a hallucination." "nonsense!" he said again. i ignored him.

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Greasing Palms and Other Things

"i have a very busy day ahead of me, leorajh, please do present your feminine ass to me so that we may get this nonsense behind us." as he scooted off the desk and braced his paws on its surface, leorajh scoffed. _"nonsense!

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Pâtisserie: Chapter 1 - Shrink

He was the tough, no nonsense gideon grey. the aggressive bully his peers feared upon his arrival. he was dominant, smug, arrogant and self-righteous. that's what everyone expected of him. that's what he expected of himself.

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Mistaken Identity: A Drabble

These drabbles/scenes/snippets/etc. are often nonsensical, puzzling, and absurd yet there are moments when i feel proud of them. this dialogue of a mistaken identity is one such dumb little scene. "do you have any wool?" the shepherd asked the sheep.

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Spyro Fanfic Intro

It ran somewhere in between the world of the original three spyro games and the newer reboot (not this skylanders nonsense). so, i'll be doing that again.

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2000 Reasons

I do this as a hobby, but it's incredibly rewarding to have an audience willing to read my particular brand of nonsense.

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Anyway, i hope you enjoy this crazy bit of nonsense i've cooked up. with any luck, maybe i can make this an annual thing. might even be able to get others to join, which would bring me nothing but joy!

A Last Night Together

Maybe he'll read mine and my uncle's work and shrug it off as utter nonsense. but maybe he'll see profit in it, or maybe he'll bring back his lover.

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"The Bone Amulet" - A School Days Halloween Story

It may be just a silly nonsense, but i can't shake the feeling you need to do as he said. love, lady helga von alpenstock."_ the note was dated october 3rd, so it had taken over two weeks to get to hans.

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