"next supplicant.", shenzi said. "what are you reading simba?", pumbaa asked as he and timon appeared next to the lion as he sat under a tree reading a book. "magic for beginners.", simba answered.

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One With The Woods Part 2: The Commander

What was left behind were the instincts and personality of a supplicant young elk cow who'd just enjoyed her first mating with the herd's alpha.

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Entertaining the Guests (ALTERNATE)

Alistair raised his hands in supplication, took his seat again. jessica had slumped to her knees the moment he let go of her, and she was tugging lightly at the knotted apron, trying to get it free. i sighed.

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In Service to Tik Tik 3

Radasus has always had a sense of supplication. the warrior kobold defines his life with his various fealties, even if they were temporary. in his youngest years, he trained to protect his people.

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Brothers - (Kreet 86)

Kobold greetings tended to be of one of two types - either one would supplicate to the other completely, or one would deign to nod in acknowledgement of the presence of someone underneath him.

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Song of Destruction

My supplication, i offer! this hymn, i offer! these sacrifices unto you, i offer! from your eternal womb return what is mine to me." the din of battle stilled and died as the veil of the sky grew dark, and the waters became like ink.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 7)

Her large, tearful eyes plead with her unseen assailants, heart-wrenching supplications for mercy spilt out of her mouth with every pain-soaked, warbling breath. but her begging fell on deaf ears; the cruel sledgehammer lifted up once more.

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Sabhira's Daughter #34

Then, stepping up to the guard, she purred in supplication, "sir, i'm afraid we're new to your great city. we are in need of a merchant. can you advise us where we might find one?"

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Cat's Pet

The sabre cat stood there stoically as kinita supplicated her master's body, her nimble tongue and fingers grooming the larger feline's fur. soon however, kinita came to the best part of master, a bit of pink already beginning to show.

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Squirrel Eggs - [Preview]

"if she accepts your supplication, it shall be immediately obvious. this is the test." fidgeting, the squirrel nodded as well. "what do i do?"

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She had no intention of being a 'supplicant' and had no way to leave alive and with her gear; there didn't seem any point to lying. "no, i am a thief by profession."

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Slave Trade - Put to Work

Sidney dared not respond; he remained looking down at the floor, but he fell to his knees, lowering his head in supplication of the godlike stag that was his master. he managed to avoid crying, but only barely.

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