
The jackal cried out, the tiger nibbling cute love-bites on his neck. "and what are you?" james now put his mouth over his nipples and continued his love-biting. he began to rub his own rump vertically along the shaft of the jackal.

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Boo and Kye: Diesel

Hmm, love-bite time,' said the dog. 'hickey time...' and the dragon felt his captor administer a small but firm love-bite where it would remain clearly visible above his collar-line for several days. 'and your rump's not bad either,' continued diesel.

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Family Days 20

"i--mmph....i'll get it," ben said, letting out a light grunt as the wolf gently nibbled against his lower lip, grazing his teeth along him before settling into love bites along his chin.

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The Miyatsu File - Chapter Six - Who Your Real Friends Are

And she touched her hand to the love-bite. "he got a bit carried away." "ooh, growling and biting! what an animal!" "and afterwards, he held me in his arms and told me how much he loved me," aiko said dreamily.

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"ducky," she smiled before she placed the toy into her mouth and gave it a quick love bite. "thank you ducky..." she turned around and faced my direction dropping the duck suddenly to the ground.

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The love for a legendary

Giratina moans out as he feels himself reaching his point but feels something clamp his neck and opens his eyes to see dialga giving him her love bite as their eyes met he knew now that she was his.

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Alpha and Bitch

These thoughts always made him clamp his tailhole hard on his alpha's ramming cock, always getting a love bite in his shoulder for this. more than once alpha found himself biting a bit too hard on bitch, tasting blood.

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54 (DSV Nautica) Demons

He wasn't afraid to hold her down and leave love bites on her shoulders, her chest, her stomach...nothing permanent. they would disappear soon enough. "aa'zac..." her voice was low, breathing fast and deep as he pulled her up against him.

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Job Security

Jenna bit down on his neck, moaning into the love bite as she felt his entire length pumping into her, stroking her weak point occasionally. "jenna." he moaned again and again as her tight wet cunt took him in again and again.

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a chance meeting chapter 10

Ben leaned forward a bit more and snuggled up under her chin, nibbling her soft fluffy fur and giving her soft loving bites while his paw traveled down her neck and over forepaw, caressing her chest then her soft tummy, finally disappearing between her back

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New Life in the Herd

Deacon idly licks his mare's withers, taking care to erase all signs of his love bites. his penis starts to relax, sucking up into his sheath as it slowly pulls out of her body.

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Madarao's Love Quest

Bending over i began to leave a trail of love bites, starting around his neck. "madarao i want you to draw blood." yoshimori groaned. as i worked my way across his chest i left a small river of blood as my mate wanted.

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