a small big difference

You had subsized before, but that didn't mean that being even smaller than before wasn't almost like a brand new experience.

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Puff and Smoke

He sat at the edge of the clearing for awhile continuing to experiment with this new experience. puff felt a small building pressure from within, he quickened his pace and he groaned at the pleasure it brought him.

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Defending the Legion

You have something to live for, new experiences waiting around each bend in the road." krater looked into those amber eyes, feeling his heart beat a little faster. "this battle, it's one bend. on the other side, you'll be a new person.

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Ze Seed - Chapter One

Mainly because they were new; i crave new experience over almost all things. two of my firsts that i find memorable are my first human kill and my first sexual experience.

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I need my foxes outside as long as possible to bring new experiences and knowledge to me. each of you has a unique perspective, and it's what keeps me from losing my mind in here. i depend on you.""sorry. i forgot you're stuck here. so what happens now?""


Spring Break Chapter 1

This was a new experience for her, to watch. _'my goodness sally was vocal!'_she mused seeing just how talented the mustelid was. watching the two lovers cuddle in the afterglow, anna smiled.

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Facility- Chapter 9

She wasn't even giving me the time to actually pull out, which was certainly a new experience to say the least.

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Marillion - Chapter 1

I accepted that it must have been, seeing that everything about my body seemed to be a new experience for my person. it was wonderful to feel like i've been given a fresh start, discovering my body anew.

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It was a new experience. it felt good. "open yourself. put yourself in standby mode. i need you to be able to wakeup on command. it will take me 10 minutes." the machine did as instructed. there were no issues. "wake up" the machine did.


May Poems of 2018

Many nights of many new experiences. many thoughts to attend, this waking story now at an end. life vent sorrow, boredum, deppression, day after day repitition, aimless wandering volition, structure based around oppression.

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finishing school

Girls at a fancy boarding school get caught up in a whirl wind of new experiences prologue papers my name is jacky i'm a husky female with black and grey fur a nice plump pare of d cup tits and a near hourglass figure.

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The Perfect Mating

Both offer a bond for a lifetime and new experiences to live out for my days." "that is quite the dilemma." my eyes shot open as i unleashed a roar of pure frustration. "weeks of intensive thought brought me to this point and still nothing."

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