Lady of Negotiable Virtue

Unfortunately for the caretakers, they'd only built the enclosure with a mind to keep her in. none of them had figured on keeping us out. the wire was leopard proof, but they hadn't designed a mesh yet that was hyena-proof.

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Thoughtform 2

That did answer one question though, they definitely had one of the caretaker stones to get these things on and off, and that meant his freedom was so close he could taste it. "do you kobolds keep the caretaker stone down this way?"

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Feisty Feline Friends

"and the caretaker got mad because of that?" makuta shook his head. "no. the girl's mother did. she threatened the caretaker, and he wanted know." both of the cats stood up and approached. makuta did nothing to stop them.

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Commission: The Green Shoes

The sudden fact that the words were spoken so easily by the caretaker made the wolf wonder about what the hell was going on.

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2nd December

She even praised the eye shadow of jen, which made the girl feel more confident and she exchanged a few words with the caretaker of the camp. "we will have to leave soon. we just wanted to make sure that all is okay."

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Chapter 12: The End has Come

The dark ferret was standing atop the dais, the caretaker, the memory weaver. tsochan til nahcost... he was a friend... a powerful being who had been allied with the dark knight for eons.

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caretaker to his own kind of aviary.

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The Art of Design

the caretaker suppressed a surprised reaction, she really was discreet when she wanted to. "_fine, i was just... thinking..._" yeah, couldn't even convince himself of that one...

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[SCAT] Heavy Duty pt.2b - Tuesday

"Heavy Duty" Part 2bBy Tkdn10---TUESDAY The sunlight slowly woke the tortoise up from a deep sleep, which turned his head to look at the alarm clock with blinking eyes. It was the right time to get up and prepare  for another work day. But this...

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When a Baby Dragon Gets Sick.

Inside was a card that some cubs and the caretakers had made at daycare that said "get better, jake. love, your friends at network cubs." jake smiled at that and went back to sleep. hopefully, he'd feel well enough to go to daycare tomorrow.

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Chapter One - Huthatch(l)ing

The hatchling and his peers tilted their heads first at the caretaker, then tilted their heads the other way, to look towards the two dragons at the entrance, intrigued by the sudden mass of noise between the older dragons.

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