Hybrid cars, solar panels, those stupid curly light bulbs that have mercury in them so if you break them you might end up killing yourself, the list goes on and on.

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Station 285: Part 3

the list goes on..." calvin let out another sigh, his head slumping. this whole situation was strange, calvin had not been so open with me since he'd first come out of the closet. "...i liked it though.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch 10

the list goes on._ another little grace into the microscope left him to study the dried, dead blood alongside the strange murky sludge which rolled and withered under the glass. _i don't even see any immune cells either. nothing.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 72

the list goes on! i send eight strapping young wolves to bring them to justice and they crawl back to me with their tails between their legs? half of them unable to stand!?"

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Up on TOP

Who can lift the heaviest weight, who can do more reps, who has the hardest body, who can shoot more cum or furthest, the list goes on to the point that yusuf and mostafa lost count, they even stopped bothering after a while, besides, two thick bodied studs

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In Plain Sight

Desperation, confusion, despair, agony, hopelessness, the list goes on and on. grappling with the reality that his life is forfeit in a matter of hours, all from a single contract killing order. the next dagger is in my hand before i know it.

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LiM: Chapters 1&2

the list goes on. you'll be given some time to choose; actual classes don't start until the 5th next month. until then you have some time to apply for your subjects, learn the layout of the place, and meet your friends and roommates.

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The Kandlin Series - Chapter 2 - Larger Than Life

It all seemed surreal, but jade had experienced the magic of these talisman's first hand, super speed, in human strength, astral projection... the list goes on and on.

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 1

Well thats simple really, he was focusing on business classes, management, advertisement, marketing, entrepreneurship... the list goes on.

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A Stranger on board

Their business is to raid passing ships, raid planets, corrupt planets and the list goes on. they take what ever they want, which are usually raw materials so they can build space vessels and new cybernetic implants.

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The Guardian

"yes, to name a few gnomes, goblins, fairies, elves, the list goes on."

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 74

the list goes on! i send eight strapping young wolves to bring them to justice and they crawl back to me with their tails between their legs? half of them unable to stand!?"

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