The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 3

He tried to wave her off, to get her to stay under cover but had neither the strength nor wind to do much more than gasp. the world was moving in slow motion around him therefore it was not strange that he was the first one to see it.

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 1

Kaidan had often to stay under cover or radio silence while in the field. and he was constantly in the field. you don't hire someone who can become invisible or interrogate people with his mind to put them behind a desk.

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Is This What You Wanted?

He always thought guys looked ridiculous in this position, in the pornos he watched under cover of darkness, but when that husky's tongue with its practiced lapping motion broke the warranty on his ass, he couldn't find the time to care.

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Scene One: Green

under cover of the rising smoke, a thunderous warcry built up all along the 113th front. with what courage left in his heart, ferro reloaded his battered weapon and leapt over the barricade, the words echoing inside his ears, _do you want to live forever?

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The tiger who loves me

We left at 5 p.m. in the u.s. so we could do this mission under cover of darkness. i put my parachute on and it was the first time i noticed that micheal was taller than me. me standing at about 5'11, he was at least 6'5.

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Chapter 10: Parley and Ultimatum

"the colonel will more than likely move under cover past that bend and cross out of sight of the stockade." the fennec's arm swept slowly to the left.

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Goddess Complex

She slunk back, trying to stay under cover as they moved passed. they had managed to shoot every other tiger she knew of with the exception of herself, and she was proud of that.

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Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems: Chapter 3: "Now It's War."

He was about to duck under cover when he took a hit in his chest armor, going down a few yards from cover. _ _"shit." dan said, firing his assault rifle. "cover me!" he yelled, darting out from cover.

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Athena -A past forgotten

The place was under cover of the dense forest. the tallest trees veiled much of the sky with a canopy of leaves. the few bare spots let in bright warm patches of sun. more blankets of tall grass grew in the sunspots.


The Lead Crown: Ch 4d, En Passant (Pt 4)

Umberto peeked slowly up from under cover, trying to see exactly what was going on. unable to discover from where the church's men were being attacked, all he could do was lower his head back to safety. "we're under attack."

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Signs of Things to Come

Dante waved her onto the bridge, crowding it beyond belief for the first time in a long time, "my plan is to go down, take her back under cover fire, have our backup fire into crowds of enemies and take down ships with the albatross' aid, then leave.

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