Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 11: Complications

So I told everyone everything that happened the past couple of days. The whole Star Fox team and even the other captured listened in with absolute focus. I started by explaining what happened during the capture. Starting with Cougar and the Claxan,...

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Eternal Blue 5: A Complicated, Simple Choice

Quint's ears pounded with the sound of his running feet on the solid floor. His heart raced in his chest. The rifle bounced into his back insistently as he ran on; gripping the cold metal of the pistol tightly in his hand. "Please be alright...

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A Tale Of Two Worlds - Chapter 4 Complications

#4 of a tale of two worlds chapter 4 - complications: the suns rays dispersed the flickering of the light it shone fading away behind the mighty form of white cliff mountain, the shadows lengthened and became that of tall looming spectres in the dark

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 24: Complications

**Sussup! Dragy here and I'm wanting to see your faces when you read that last chapter: you probably looked SO surprised! XD** **N E wA (any way), let's get this show on the road (finally have the warning label back up)** **CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35...

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Chapter 3: Life get's really complicated

Alright time to get started. First the Legal stuff. All characters with the exception of Thowan and Dasher are copyrighted to me. Thowan and Dasher are copyrighted to Thowan, and Dasher Cheetah. Most brands shown are copyrighted to their respective...

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Dead Space Dissolution Chapter Three: Complications

Chapter three: complications an almost reverent silence fell on the bridge. as i looked around i could see that everyone was trying to process the implications of finding a crucial element of unitology on a backwater world like kreemar.

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Rin's complications (help from a friend) chapter 1

#1 of rin's complications this is a new series to go along side life's little things. it's to celebrate my 500th view and to thank you guys for reading my work.

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Zootopia: Brave New World - Things Getting Complicated

Minutes were passing, and Alex was still awaiting. He continued to look at the ceiling of the cell they had put him into, and he still wondered just what was going to happen next. Alex tried to remember himself of all of the events that led to that...

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Life Goes On: Part 2 - Things just got complicated

DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you......

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Scion 2nd Edition Intro

The answer to that is... complicated... the easiest way to describe it, is that each mythology is part of its own self contained cosmology.

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Club of Wolves ch. 5

As a pop song, it wasn't very complicated, but i made sure not to get it too complicated. even as i started singing the first few verses, i made sure not to sell it too much.

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