Meet Your Maker

Despite how 'deconstructed' the interior was, the passenger side seat was comfortable, and the large lion relaxed in it as the wolverine got in the driver's seat, starting the car and carefully pulling out.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 21)

While priya interprets this as the president's earnest attempt to help out an underclassman, hafsa's mind was already swarming with machiavellian strategies to analyze, deconstruct and repurpose priya's demure mannerisms.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 1

Southern Free Agents Ch 1 - "Don't Call Us The Southern Free Agents" Esfir had a thing about nobles, and that thing was simple: she didn't like them; she didn't trust them; she didn't do business with them. She wasn't disillusioned enough...

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Exceeding Expectations

"the purpose of this class is to allow us to analyse, understand and in some cases deconstruct the taboos of sexuality which even the more liberal elements of our modern day society adheres to.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.14

Your post-recovery rate of healing was consistent with leukosynth activity and the blood samples we took contained metallic particles similar to deconstructed nanomachines." he looked back up.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 18

You can only deconstruct who you are so far before the person stops being you." arden understood the fox in principle, but he didn't agree with him. he felt like, if he were faced with this, he would change.

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Surgimorphs Chapter 9: Forces In Motion

It was to run down to be used by the kids and the city was about to take deconstruct nanos to it before i bought it and then began to slowly renovate it. it took me two years but it became a success. shortly after that i found kova.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 24 - More Lectures

Though it would require a person to first deconstruct the shadow into the purest form, then mold it into an element.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 60: That Which Must Not Be Said (My Place In This World Part IV)

I listened to the conversation as naka's tent was deconstructed and the young colony prepared to flee. "i still don't know if i am up to leading this community." i heard the maned wolf say. "leadership is a heavy burden." song said.

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Borderlands - Siren Sight

His body tingled as if he had stuck his tongue into a light socket, and then it began to deconstruct. his shirt and chest began dissolving into digital data, the blue and white light spreading outward.

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Project Apotheon cast

They are incredibly high tech and when a soldier is killed, they are completely deconstructed so the enemy cannot use them for study and gain any kind of hand.

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Mikey and Bane

You will be absorbed and deconstructed before being added to my body. your mind will be intact, but you will be added to my own. you will feel what i feel and see what i see." "please... i just want more of you...."

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