Watching over Mowgli

While his moans of ecstasy and euphoric grin might've been answer enough, kaa decided that bagheera should hear mowgli's answer. "answer bagheera's questions, mowgli. he is the reason we're together. you owe him that much." mowgli gasped aloud.

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Pizza Makes Things Great

The heavenly aroma wafted up to her nose, causing her to let out a euphoric moan. "mmm, god, that smells amazing." "i thought you'd say that, which is why i wanted to treat you tonight." john patted the boxes. "i'm gonna help you go past your limit.

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Smoke - By Nathan Iverson

After enjoying that first hit, savoring every euphoric moment of it, i then stared down at the reality of my situation as i looked at the unopened letter with the familiar i.r.s. printed over the top left corner.

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Pleasurable Pain~Overtake

He was fully aroused now, the sting from the whip forgotten and replaced with a euphoric high. but it didn't last long and he soon struggled, wanting more. her hands touched his cock delicately, placing a ring around the base.

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I still feel the most euphoric satisfaction sometimes, when my mind plays tricks on me, and i am flung into an ulterior realm, sporting a wagging tail, and shreds of human clothing--mere vestiges of my man-soul left, awaiting eagerly my full rebirth into that


Silver Stream Memory 11

I started to drowse off dreamily euphoric again watched the sphincter's movements. my stomach all around gurgled so i started to make water rain down pouring down past the middle and the pit.

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Between a Croc and a Rhino (Rimba Racer Fanfic)

_jesus christ_, tag thought in euphoric bliss, _i must be the luckiest cat alive!_ not only were two of his on-track rivals also homosexual, they both happened to be well-hung and wanted to fuck him.

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A party to remember

Ruby's ears flicked, but her lost expression made it apparent that she was too much within a euphoric daze to respond.

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Tails and Ranher

They moaned around each other's cocks trying to hold back their orgasms and keep the euphoric bliss going. but soon ranher started to go over the edge so to combat it he sucked hard on tails' shaft and pushed him over the edge as well.

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First Contact, July 24th, 2011, 6:56 AM

Pat pumped more and more musk into his dad's room forcing the poor man into and almost euphoric state of sexual excitement. next pat dislodged himself from his warm cocoon at the prospect of feeding on his dad's rich seed.

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Sweet and Gummy

With his head thrown back and eyes closed, pardio gave into the sensations, gratefully losing himself in a euphoric ecstasy and licking his lips as he neared climax.

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Leon the Sheep

What he was met with felt euphoric, and it was merely this euphoric because the flock knew full well that flash integration could overwhelm new initiates. leon would be introduced to his new roll as one of them slowly.

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