Tiger Heart: Chapter 6

"uh, ah heard garr screaming from his room, before i got out. i think he..." ty watched feria's face closely. this news could cause any number of reactions. "good," she said after a few moments.

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Tiger Heart: Chapter 7

"i saw the threshold of death the first time i refuse a "client" during my time under garr. this is nothing." kaya looked up at ty, silent tears running down her face. "i know," ty said, crouching in front of her. "i know.

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Gabites are Mean

He huffed out a silent garr before giving me a tight kiss back, having me caught already as i opened my mouth and let his tongue get into my mouth.

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Chapter 3: Prince Torrin

garr! vaylor! come hold this sticky-pawed slave while i teach him a lesson." colan sputtered as two stocky rats grabbed his arms and immobilized him.

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Aaru - Chapter 29 (The Trial of the Hunted)

Her blows felt like they were coming from someone of garr's size. i continued to block her attacks, focusing on forming a wind blade, which i quickly aimed at her exposed back.

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Taking Chances (Rule 34 Teaser)

"Taking Chances" "Okay, Chance, okay I get it. You don't like me coming up with these inventions." Jake moaned as he dragged a paw down his face, briefly reacting to the smell of grease left behind. "But if we're going to combat crime in Megakat City,...

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Gangster Unicorns (pt 4)

He oughtta thank fahl later; between this and garr it had probably helped him out a lot. the big bottle was still half-full, which ought to be more than he'd need.

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Coons and Theft 5

"i'm not sure if i should say "money is no object" here, but i'm not sure, garr. i want to know why the feds want me, if not to arrest me. i want to know how they found out so much about time, too. i thought i was slippery, a ghost.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue VII

Kressin, the glaive-wielder you walked with the day before, joins you with her friend shiir and her older brother garr, who skins pelts and tans hides into leather. also, you have two cattle and two mules.

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Aaru - Chapter 14 (Ghal)

But i had to remember that fighting ghal was the equivalent of fighting master jun'lao or garr. i was the under-dog in the fight. harlock stepped forward and stood between us.

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Daemon - Chapter 4

"did you ever manage to beat garr?" "no." i admitted. "i've come close, but i've never managed to ever beat him." "is he really as big as you said he was?" reece asked. garr was as big as i had described. he was the biggest fur i had even met.

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