A Home for a Toll

He shook it to let it slosh and glorp wetly, indicating the liquor inside was thickened with something mixed in. "perhaps a shot of my personal drink will suffice?"

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Tummy Talk

"if i didn't want to listen i could just glorp you right up at any time." the otter curled his toes a bit at the thought... certainly looking forward to adding craig to his mass, but he could wait. the cutie was nice to just hold.

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Daddy's Boys

As jack's breathing slowed and he descended into sleep, the low gurgles and glorps of his stomach around the boy inside rose in volume and frequency, until a near constant chorus of borborygmi filled the chamber as

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Vore Day '22 Quickie - Frosty v2

Another belch from outside squeezed those gut muscles around him, and with several loud glorps and burbles, he finally gave in and let that gurgling chamber fully claim him.

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Rubbing Off

He huffed, feigning annoyance as he placed both paws at the center of the large belly and pressed inward with a satisfying glorp. "i meant these three!"

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Hospital Heat

Slowly, the equine's softening shaft slid out the vixen's body with a glorp and a pattering rain of combined fluids. the studmare shivered and stepped back, standing on wobbly knees.

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Demon Castle Digitalpotato - Latex Monsters

He'd just glorp all over the ground into a puddle. just like inside the gel pack. frisky could not see or hear what was happening to him, only get faint senses of his gel pack being moved around.

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[COMM] Loona's Selfcest Shenanigans (4750 words)

With that, loona's balls clenched tightly to her base, a resounding glorp filling the empty library as a torrential flood of thick, virile hellhound cum bloated the mirror in an instant.

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All stops to Broadmeadow

With his belly starting to languidly glorp and churn, the mephit leant forward to start neatly packing the boy's clothing into his backpack, reclining back as he savoured the weight and warmth of his friend sleeping within him, soon to be a part of him..

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The Kaiju Bat Feeds

The last of the people he absorbed--naught but vapors--was unleashed from his mouth after the last glorps of his tummy with a gargantuan chainsaw belch that was heard even inside his neighbor's house. "hrrrwwllleeeeeaaaaaalllhhhp!"

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