Chapter 3

I recoiled back, "do you have any grenades, river?!" i looked back at the female, seeing her reach into her vest. "grenade out!" she shouted, leaping in front of me after the mg fire stopped and chucking the grenade in the direction i looked down.

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Dad Camp Monster Inferno (20)

The coyote threw elliot a bandolier of rounds, "i'm gonna chuck the grenades at them. get ready to book it." "keller, you know i'm not the book it type," said elliot, "give me the grenades."

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After Armageddon Chapter 5

As i get ever closer to the tank i pull out my second smoke grenade. i pull the pin and throw it. the grenade lands close to the tank. we reach the tank.


Gathering Clouds

grenade!" before she even saw a target, she pulled one off of her belt and hit the button. just as soon as she activated the grenade, she saw a false wooden wall covered in branches and vines. three holes were drilled into the surface.

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 8

"how can we detonate the grenades when we have no one to pull the pins?" he asked, tom smiled slyly, having thought that part out a well.

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 18

The demon grinned at the fury in zerrex's eyes... and then he shot upwards as zerrex gave chase, laughing before he went into a spin, his metal wings wrapping around himself as he fired grenade after grenade down at the reptile, the angel-winged drakkaren

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New Life in a New Body V2 Operation Countdown

"any grenades with rubber balls?" i asked. shaking her head she said "no, i have a slight problem replicating those, they tend to turn into actual frag grenades.

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Deadly love *TEASER*

Cally reached into her pocket and pulled a grenade out. eltris did not hesitate as she shoved her claws through the torso of the enemy then pulled the grenade from the quivering clutches. "tom, take."

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Genetic Children-Log 11- Laxus Materia...

€ then the grenade went off._ _â _ _bang!_ _â _ _â€now!

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Zoo Keeper - ch13 - Escaping the Scene

I was wondering what he was about when he pulled a cloth wrapped grenade from the sash he wore. "grenade out!" the feline voice called as he threw the grenade out the window, pin still in his paw.

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CountDown to Xtinction

Izzy cut the beast head with his knife and shoved his last grenade into it. he jumped off but the creature wrapped its long tongue around his ankle.

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It's Always Something

Inside her jacket pocket was a small hand grenade with a timer along the casing. right now it read two hours, but the seconds were ticking away.
