The Male Mates of Dragons I
Both of these books are available on smashwords, [the male mates of dragons i]( and [the male mates of dragons ii]( if you feel hungry for more delicious dragon
Kaeryn: Gone Male Chpt 4
#4 of kaeryn: gone male 4th chapter of one of my favourite stories i am writing! thumbnail art © ranohara@fa ~ _"hello?" there was no caller id on the phone, so i was curious as to who it was. "tom my boy!" it was my doctor.
Dog Gone Day - The Cafe (Male)
Then welcome to you, sir. Let me provide some background for you in this story. You live with an extended family, friends and loved ones all sharing in a 2-story home, in a rural neighborhood 4 miles out from the city. It gets rather quiet sometimes,...
Drachenmenschen 06 - einige erste Male
.) ## drachenmenschen 6. mehrere erste male kyrrah lässt mir zeit, mich zu orientieren. mit dem bild der umgebung in meiner erinnerung kann ich mich bald auch mit dem gehör recht gut orientieren.
Yautja Female X Ooman Male
According to the studies of the huntress's people; the praetorian is the only male of the hive. he, like the queen, is intelligent and cunning. in addition to being male and her offspring the praetorian must mate with the queen to expand the hive.
Encounter of the Male Kind (version 1)
Ben was the first target, and he would never willingly mate with another dog much less a male. even another female would have an easier time. with that riki smiled as a devious plan crept into his head.
The Secret Dance of Two Male Cetaceans
**_the secret dance of two male cetaceans _** **_2006 by eldyran_** _style: elizabethan sonnet_ _verse:iambic pentameter_ _lines:14_ _rhyme scheme: aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg_ while rest of pod is grouping together we shall slip away and seek a
A Not So Typical Male - (Trade for Fayne)
She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "typical male..."
Scent of a Male: 3, Cabin 2
Doctor yowman was a male and he did have a wife, so leean must be a patient of yowman's wife, but westfur medical dealt mainly with pheromone problems such as mine as well as females heat and herms heat that effected everyone, male or female. "mrs.
Scent of a male: 1, Train Ride
I might have strong pheromones but i'm still just a normal male.
Introductory Anal Sex For Male Furs
The guards looked forward to their reactions when they were forced to mount or be mounted by another male. they pawed several of the males' asses as they walked among the slaves.
Males vs. Females in the Secret City
I couldn't really get a good climax from any male, and i started seeing gene check out a guy every so often.... so gene's with staniel for tonight, and i'd like to mate with you, if that's okay."