Prologue: The Silent Carol

#1 of musings of a minstrel prelude copyright2008 â â â note: 18+ only, sex does happen, as well as some language. i used to be a free thinker, and would form theories about nearly everything.

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Malefor: TTO: An Old Illness

If it were a physical object, he imagined it to be a dancing minstrel, pointing and laughing at him. thankfully, ventus wasn't the one to let age get to him; he was blocking students left and right.

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M&FF: A Cluster Fuck of Disaster!

River immediately recognized it as heather, a wood nymph minstrel who decided to spent the last couple of weeks exploring the forest for possible vantage points.

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M&FF: Pool Party

After all, he was a minstrel, fighting was to be a secondary role for him. indeed, while he used a wooden dagger, she had been given a wooden short sword, and thus had an unfair reach advantage over him.

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Tail Underground: A contribution

He could hear every word from the minstrel's mouth. he had listened to a song-maker with magic once, the sound was very clear. just like now: morning sun through the canopy. confessions decided upon in morning light.

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Chapter the First: Wheels

A lively tune was bouncing happily off of the walls, and punctuated by the bright voices of minstrels and revelers. whether singing, or chatting, or laughing heartily they filled the inn chamber with an elated din.

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Suncrest - Chapter 4

The minstrel's song halted, all drunken patrons ceasing their chatter as every person in the establishment turned towards the now broken entrance. standing over the splinters were four giants in gray leather jackets.

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Chapter 8: The Street Urchin

Every table only had enough drink for the night and never asked for more, the servers and workers managed to navigate the maze of people to do their job, and the minstrels performing for the inn were well-received.

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The Fall of the Elvish Kingdom

Delicious plates were enjoyed, minstrels sang the victories of the prince over the orcish tribe or his ancestors, while fools played jokes to the court. it was the night before the equinox that a stranger stood before the eastern gates of the capital.

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Leurheart (Chapter 11)

And besides, as a skilled minstrel, you'll be of much help.. michael." i flinched a little, but nodded in agreement. 'how did he know my name...?' "that's everything you need to know. this plan will be carried out tomorrow!

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Awakening in a New World

"normally i prefer to dwell within my castle keep far to the north, surrounded by my court of sages, travelling minstrels, and frisky critters of all description and inclination... occasionally challenging heroes to a battle of wits over access to my strategic

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