Lone Tiger: Part One

I kind of like the setup we've got going on for othello. half the class, we act out the play; the other half, we write our reactions to it, and about its significance and stuff. pretty easy to do.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 151

They were trying to carry her like they must have carried their buddies out of othello's on many an occasion; one under each arm. but that approach was not going very smoothly.

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St. Charles College

It's a game similar to othello (reversi), but it's much more complicated and fun. i suggest you check it out sometimes. my life has been hectic recently.

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To Give and to Recieve

I've done it before many times, and now perhaps othello the fate wishes me to do it again. that man simply doesn't know when to let one rest." "what does this have to do with me?"

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Only Human (Chapter 10)

In the end, she found herself playing othello against a 21st century computer, lost in thought. this is how nathan found her, so engrossed in the game and lost in thought that she didn't hear him coming, or even notice when he was right behind her.

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ToFaN: Tanya’s Story #1 Reversi

The tittle "reversi" came from the game, also referred to as "othello," which after reading the story, i believe people can understand why i chose the tittle. tofan: tanya's story #1 reversi tanya didn't mind traveling, in fact she rather enjoyed it.

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SY 01 - Here we are again

Kittara pulled her attention from the boy and focused more on what she'd learned from othello's situation for the time being.

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The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 4

"good," haley began with her mouthful, and then swallowed and continued, "davis and i are playing the main roles in a production of othello." "nice," brian replied, "so you're desdemona right?" "yeah," haley replied.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 38

He leaned in close, and sarah could smell the remnants of othello's tavern still clinging to his clothes, the bittersweet aroma of wine and pipe smoke... "you understand that i love you, don't you, sarah?" she nodded, hoping that he would just leave.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 10

My boys never came back from othello's!" "your boys are probably drunk in a ditch somewheres!" "people! please calm down!" rufio shouted above the noise.

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Chapter IX: With my Bare Hands

"you don't really have a choice," rumbled othello. lenny was shoved towards the portal, quaking with fear. what little self-control he had was used to keep his bladder intact. somehow, he still managed to hold onto the adoption papers.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 23

He looked up at all the staring faces, somehow feeling like he had come full circle, like he was lying flat on his back outside othello's door, trying to decipher a world he could _almost_ understand, if only it would stop spinning. ander was there.

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