The Ghostly Apocalypse

There were very useful supplies lying in the storage room. supplies that were from the old world, before the collapse. supplies that are no longer being produced. "geez. look at the amount of ammunition over here.

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Curse of the Crinkle Crate | Chapter 7

I might be the first person in the world to have to deal with the dilemma of what one could do with a literal limitless supply of diapers.

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Kal/Daz's Sultry Jungle Hideaway, Part 1/5

"i'm going to be making a supply run." it was technically true; he was running the supplies to d'shae, even though the typical use of the phrase would mean that he would be going to pick supplies up, rather than dropping them off.

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Beginners’ pokémon guide

The average travel weight for supplies is about 300 pounds of gear and food. foraging extends the supplies but, as mentioned earlier weight is everything. unlike the tv shows you learned from, a backpack will not do.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 16 -- Two Down...But It's Far From Over

"that's where their supplies come from. last night i overheard the guards speaking of a shipment of vital supplies coming.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.5 - A Start of a New Adventure)

"latias, i'm going to need to buy some supplies before we can go on our journey. i need you to watch your brother for now as i go get the supplies. if he wakes up, tell him that i'll be back in a couple of hours to buy the supplies we need, ok?"

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Multi-Tail Trouble: Part One

I gathered some supplies to create a little camp. i entered a small clearing and started a camp fire. to my left, i could hear a small noise coming from the bushes. "who's there?" i called out.

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A Bronze Rising: While he was Gone

Following this was a wagon carrying supplies, now nearly emptied, and a few more guards. i angled my wings and flew towards the company, eager to see what fruits the mission had brought.

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Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 2: If Not For You

It was a map of the of the central building's water supply. "the professor and i found this a awhile back." he said cheerfully. "hmm..." i said.

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chapter seven. out and about

They watched the steam boats pass for a few minutes before finally getting out their supplies and started to paint their views.