My Rockets are Up Here

"trill just arrived and is... iiiiiiiiiiissssssss having sooooooooommmmmmmeeeeeee fuuuuuunnnnnnnn. matrix unavailable. maintenance mode initiated. local controls locked out.

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Love Of The Pack (Part Three)

She trilled contentedly as he proceeded to stroke down her back before gently rubbing her snout and scratching the underside of her chin.

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Born Anew Unexpected Meeting (Intro)

Eventually the sobs turned into soft coos and eventually gentle trills of peace/contentment. she only stopped trilling when i stopped stroking her back and held her at arms length. "again, i'm sorry latias.

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Dragon Ranch: Ethan's Story

He flexed and curled his spine, impaling ethan deeper, trilling excitedly. ethan couldn't help but smile.

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Shadows on The ICE Chapter 4 & Chapter 5

Cawrath trilled in annoyance, "i only have one of those so we should keep moving." he then perched on feriyaki's shoulder once more, as they set off, in a slower pace, into the forest.

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Bound And Stuffed

He groaned out wordlessly, his eyes squeezed shut as his muzzle slipped deeper into the throat, the tight hot muscles suckled around him, pulling greedily before there was a low trill.

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Stomping Grounds

Head dropping low as she swung her tail up and to the side, revealing her slit to him with a trilling coo. it was about as good as any invitation he'd ever gotten.

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Lady Chatterlynx's Lover (Third Portion)

Emma trilled sharply at a pitch that left my ears stinging, and with one tilt of her hips turned to face the wall.

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Going Home - Final Chapter: The Departure

Still, she gave a short trilling purr of agreement, stretching her legs straight out in front of her.

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Gentle Moons - 2

Nyia trilled delightedly and decided to save that for last, so she went after his tail, tugging it into the water to re-soak it so she could soap it up properly.

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