Chapter 1: A step into the world of Izzy Potter and joining VultureWart's first War.

Wolf this wand is a masterpiece; i don't think i'll ever create another like it." i raised an eyebrow and he said "i don't know how to explain it, but this wand echoes with power."

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 3

"yes, poppy, but this one was caused by a malfunctioning wand. one that i hope will be replaced soon, mr. weasley?" "yes, professor. as soon as i can get an owl to my mum." "very well. but you must not use your wand again until it is replaced."

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Wolfsblut - Teil 2 Kapitel 33: Prüfungen

Seufzend lehnte er sich gegen die wand. neben ihm ruckelte etwas. der dingo sprang erschreckt vor und fuhr herum. an der wand befand sich ein gemälde, auf dem ein großes schiff zu sehen war.

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Commission - Next Stop, The Moon!

He twirled the wand in his hand, then tossed it up to the tendrils that made his hair, doing quite the routine working it around his head and flipping the wand effortlessly before catching it and offering it to the confused rat.

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Chapter 1: Magical Mishaps for Clueless Crisp

A cluster of black dots slipped out of his fingers and spread over the wand, and when they disappeared, so did the wand. "a wand of dispel. a clever thing. from whom did you steal it?" "i didn't steal - how the hell did you do that?

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A Saturday's Seduction

Anya suddenly pressed the buzzing wand back to ivanna's nipples, causing her to moan before she could even answer.

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Mayjik Show

As soon as the tip of her wand aimed toward the mattress below, both her clothing and the fox's vanished in the blink of an eye.

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Repeat Customer | Chapter #2 [Comm]

Flicking the wand on, emi realized exactly what the wolf had in mind just as he pressed the wand against her pampered front.

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Naughty Nira (Kinktober: Rubber/latex)

He wielded a wand vibrator in one paw. "producer insisted i send it out by snail mail, since the wait makes people more anxious."

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The Small Get Smaller

"i mean why make a wand that's one way?" he was too small to lift or position the wand like little tex so instead climbed atop of it with his claws. "maybe you just have to hold it backwards or something..."

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The Assistant Becomes The Master

Her wand fell to the stage floor, and chu fell immediately after with a thick **_whump._** aylana fell backwards upon losing her balance, and chu, finally free of the grip of the magical, tickling paws, took a hold of the wand and stood over the supposed

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