Master's Command (Commission for 12345Furry)

#66 of commissions here's a short and simple commission, with some magic tech turning a feral horse being turned into an obedient and mind-controlled anthro stallion for the pleasure of his master!

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Chapter 2- Fight or Flight

Skye gasped when his eyes adjusted, here walking into his cell was a huge, anthro horse, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. he looked at skye, "how do you like my room?" he asked him., in a familiar voice.

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Random sexy story

He remembered that last night, his human formed had transformed into his anthro horse fursona, though he was not sure how. he stretched his body against the human body he was laying on top of.

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The Island, Part 1

There, staring back at him, was an anthropomorphic stallion with piercing blue eyes. in them he saw everything he felt at that moment - confusion, distress, lust - mixed with an animalistic sense of mortal authenticity. he felt alive.

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Valentine's Tease: Bound and Used

A large dildo, shaped to mimic the shaft of an anthro stallion while the head was perfectly flared, was tucked up under his tail, a looming presence that he could not ignore as he panted and tried, even if it was futile, to gain some relief from it all.

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New Management

Unlike the previous customer however, this one was an anthro horse. the anthro horse had mostly brown hide with a few white spots, and a lack of shoes. she clip clopped her way into the store and glanced around with a look of interest. "hm."

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A Very Big Change

"a brown anthro horse was the first creature i saw.

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The anthro horse was rather tall and was pretty jacked to say the least, dressed in a white belly length tank top that pretty much stuck to his buff frame and a pair of white thigh high shorts that hugged his lower body.

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Halloween Costume Mishap

He froze, his mind struggling to process the fact that the two people who stood before him was someone in a realistic anthropomorphic horse costume, and the person behind him was someone in an anthropomorphic rat costume.

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Losing Can Be Fun Too

Leading to this scene you, an anthro stallion of well endowed proportions, tries and fails to keep a pair of male anthro foxes led by an anthro herm mare, intent of raping a human girl.

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(ZOO) Mare Tending - Chapter Three -

David returned the breath with his own and in that moment, both anthro stallion and mare reinforced their bond of mutual love and trust. "so," jamie asked, as she smiled and leaned over the stall door, holding out the apple towards heather.

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