Dragon and his rider 2
Hiccup clenched his teeth hard, grunted with pain as he entered another finger, trying to insert three fingers in, thinking and imagining it was actually a dragon's maleness; better yet, toothless.
Quetza's Quest: Chapters 7-9
She couldn't fool herself anymore; she loved every single moment that she was getting bigger and bigger, and thanks to this quizzical dragon boy, she had found true pleasure in her life.
Dragon's Glory Chapter 1
Syn's response was the same as any other dragon male whose authority was being tested. "no, mine!"
Dragon's Glory - Chapter 1
Syn's response was the same as any other dragon male whose authority was being tested. "no, mine!"
The Vanguard - Prologue - Victory
Tall as any dragon male, i towered over her people by some feet, and was also heavier of build than any of their men. kaza's age did little to hide her shapely body--she had curved in all the right places and her breasts were filling out quite nicely.
the wet fox part four ending
Years past and it was true, sue had married a very nice dragon boy and they had a very nice son, as for ron and harry, they too where feathers and happly married for many years.
A Lazy Day for Foray (trade)
The dragon male looked a little tired, but honestly pretty unruffled for a guy who'd spent the last eight months getting his cum-stuffed blue balls repeatedly flattened.
Izon vs. Auhrul 2
The larger dragon boy slams the lizard man down against the ground with a mighty "crack!" auhrul groans, but grabs at the femboy's wrist, straining with his might to lift the massive arm against him. "so... much... power!"
Strike A Pose
The dragon male was currently bent over just about as far as his body would allow: his legs spread wide, his knees locked straight, his forearms planted against the ground.
Forced Resolution
It wasn't textured like his vaginal canal, but the tightness was comparable and the moogle knew how to work the dragon's maleness in a way that just kept spurring him deeper.
dark winter 3.5
The bear soon grinned and suddenly pulled himself out of his son's ass, admiring his spunk leaking out for a bit before rubbing his cum covered cock against his son's and panted, soon leaning up to kiss his dragon boy and moved his ass against his
Dragon Seed CH3
After a quick trip to a nearby lake the now seven foot tall plant dragon boy had returned to the spot in the forest where he had fucked nick and absorbed the two men. bruce was naked and soaking up the afternoon sunlight.