Splintered Light, Chapter 5.2: Intervention

Well how'm i supposed t'know that when he's speaking some other language?" calus decided to try another tactic. "mr. lews, do you never speak in your mother tongue?

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A familiar voice said in silth before reiterating it in several other languages, including his own as well as narin, the language of the felines.

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Patron Reward Roundup - April 2023

The rest of it was less translatable - even though the text was very clearly lettered, it was using phrasing and words in some other language that her app couldn't parse. there were some neat looking illustrations all throughout the book, too.

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Piercing the Swordsman: Chapter 2

He searched his memories if any other languages had anything resembling his address to himself, but came up with nothing. honorifics would hold the same weight as the royal 'we.'

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Roi des Voleurs Ch 1: Ascend

There are multiple sections in other languages, including french, russian, german, and more. now my only references are translating services online, so if you happen to speak the language typed but believe there is a mistranslation, please message me!

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Breaking The Ice

Ice had learned how to speak namekian, among other languages, when he was still very young, before his youngest brother had been born, and when cooler had only been a baby.

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Brightening flame

It was something i was apparently good at as he exclaimed a few times, so when i had mastered the common trade language he began teaching me other languages, first some similar to common then one or two very different.

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Getting on the Wild Side

They were also snappish and irritable in whatever other language you wanted to speak.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 5.1: The Jiuyani Confusion

The discussion continued from there with the translator and cabin boy switching between their own native tongue and making forays into the other's language of choice.

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-002]

"you speak no other language? that's what i should believe. "to sum up again. you found me and had to help me. you live in an apartment which a human gave you and you do not know the name. you live five months alone in this apartment.

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Called to Duty (What Went on Before, Chapter 3 )

Wolves who knew other languages, who could not only converse but read and write in them. of these lessons was she the most afraid. her 'peers' would have been training for seven years at this.

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