Limit Breaking

The wide, bumpy flare flattening against the tiny canal of her ear, squeezing her head firmly against the tense, muscular calf holding her head in place.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 29: Wonder

The big eyes in the little face opened, and the calf gave a cry. michelle sighed. "oh, she's hungry again. it's like i have no time to eat at all." when i started to pass her the calf, she said, "no tyler.

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Scent of a Bull

Christine gasped as she tried to push the calf away with one hand but failed to do little more than change the way the calf's body was facing. "stop! winston! stop!"

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We shared a grin of knowing, unkown to his calf. the first time he fucked me was so raw, so good, but so painful the next day. my ass needed a week off to recover. the click of a bottle behind me brought me round. the calf had brought his own.

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Breeder Claude

I was not given fertility shots as they were afraid of me carrying more than 1 elephant calf at once. bad enough i had to carry it for a whole year's gestation. damn near killed me to push out that calf.

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Change of Body-Pt6

Garrin couldn't help but gasp and flex at the horrible sensation, feeling as it twined it's way down his calf.

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Pachyderm College Romances

Thomas jr is a big, happy, and healthy calf. when he's 3 years old roy puts his rhino calf in my belly. i again get huge bellied and we're all happy parents. ultimately they both sire 2 calves apiece out of me. ans we're a happy little family,

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Never Forgets - Adult Dumbo Series - END

She would be surprised if she didn't have a calf from it, but she turned about nervously to look towards dumbo, confused why he'd been so affectionate and then so thuggish.

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Getting Ready

Seeing her likes this, naked and pregnant was still new to him, but he loved seeing her full of calf. his calf. he growled to her and pulled her forwards, diving down into the water, into her pussy.

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Waking Brother Long

Snap up the calf first so he'd be free to molest her without fear of it escaping. that was the way to go. the cow sensed she couldn't outrun him and she turned, the calf cowering behind her.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 28: Time And Eternity

The male calf said. "you turned her into a griffon!"_ _"no you and your sister turned her into a griffon." the goat countered. "and the second rebel?"_ _"let me see." the female calf said.

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