Gryphon Picnic

envenomed and helpless, deep down in the gut of a gryph she'd only just met, she trusted her entire existence to him and his magic, or whatever means he had of reviving her after the acidic finish, listening to his resonating voice deliver those numbers.

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Wonderful World

In a twist of events, after a dangerous chase around the sands, charlie found herself trapped and wounded, as well as envenomed by scorpions, in an underground tunnel. to her fortune, a man calling himself pierre saved her life.

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Cera - Assurance

Staring down at the envenomed buck, cera watched his pupils dilate immensely, widening to swallow his irises as he stared numbly back up at her. she counted the seconds that passed. by two, he was fumbling with his pants.

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Shade Hunter

Not just envenomed. where is your sense of showmanship?"_ he reached down and gripped at drag's sac tightly for a moment, causing him to yelp. _"the transformation is about to go critical, so i apologize for the lack of proper foreplay.

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Mahiri's Quest: Expansion I

By then, she's far too deeply envenomed to even be aware of what's happening to her. they drain the thoughts from her body as surely as they do her luscious nutrients.

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Bargains With Monsters

It had taken her so long to just stand up, longer to realize that her body was dotted with snow flaked patterns of scars from where the tendrils had envenomed her. her perfect skin ruined forever.

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Blood and Water

She still had two attempts to go and these took the shape of numerous envenomed shuriken. throwing caution to the wind, anya leapt from her place of concealment and began a ritualistic maneuver, a deadly dance, a flurry of razor edged steel.

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Lost Legend of Agrok Ch.5

Anything else would mean counter attack, and with those envenomed claws that could mean death.

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Past Secrets v1 (Full Text)

Tiny twitches wracked her small body, strange for this long after being envenomed. "she's still fighting," he whispered, then quickly scooped her into his arms. "you can take her now, adian, but you'll never get her back."

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