Boneheap Bonus: Hugh's Side

frankie had grabbed her, though, and whatever her wishes she'd ended up in frankie's lap anyway, feeling his still-bulging crotch pressing up against her butt.

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Mind Control Tales - Hypno Bears Edition 12

frankie demanded. the muscular, semi-naked wolf sat on his couch smiled up at him. "you tell me!" frankie frowned.

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Measuring Up

He jiggled both hands in a clear '_weighing_' motion, unabashedly showing frankie and darren their two options, but saying nothing more. "h-hey... frankie?"

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Pokemon Story - Brave Child and the Spooky Woods Ch. 2

"i know you're fast, mary, but frankie, wyatt? you two slowpokes move slower than slowpokes!" "hey, that's not fair," argued frankie. "you know me and wyatt ain't no sprinters like you two.

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The Search is Over-Chapter 34

I saw jessie climbing on frankie, and amanda climbing on neal. then rain, cody, neal, and frankie all spread out their wings to get ready for flight.

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digi kimi Chapter 13: I want to be in your life

Said cliff 'man, nick is scary,' said frankie, this time frankie phone goes and it a text from ty and he read it out loud. 'i am a dog you know, we have good hearing and beside i am a boxer in training.'

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The Search is Over-Chapter 32

frankie said it back, when he licked her arm, "i love you too, jess." then frankie nuzzled her neck with his nose and she giggled, pulled his head a bit more closer to her.

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Pokemon Story - Brave Child and the Spooky Woods Ch. 1

We ain't going to them woods," stated frankie, stamping himself up front to challenge the duo. "no frankie!" said mary pushing aside her friend. "they'll clobber you. you're double weak against fighting types." "yeah.

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Home and Beyond (Final)

I looked at frankie, and felt as though something was odd here. i remember clearly the phone but yet it didn't feel right. still i watched as frankie got up. "probably someone for me. be right back."

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