Braided Silver

Tavi helped the older jackal get dressed, unashamedly brushing his muzzle up along the jackal's sheath as he dressed the man. there was only time for a few quick, teasing gropes and kisses before the jackal insisted he had to leave.

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Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 4

He felt the jackal squirming ever so slightly. kristian kisses down the nape of the jackal's neck, moving down his chest. he kisses the crystal matrix gently and continues downwards. down the jackal's abdomen, moving slowly, tenderly.

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Chapter 5

\<\< jackal turned around nearly instantly. elias looked at jackal and wondered what just happened. \>\>is something the matter?\<\< he asked jackal. \>\>it's... just what you said.

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My little vacation

Then he felt that the jackal was about to lose it. "oh daniel. oh i think i am-" he was cut off by the explosion of the jackal's sperm in his mouth. the taste of the jackal was great to the fox.

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House of Pleasure ver 2

The jackal grunted gesturing vaguely at the large empty room. seating cameron on a well cushioned divan, the jackal clapped his be ringed paw's.

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Captive Desire

When the jackal didn't press further, he decided that the jackal was giving him time to adjust. the mongoose started to relax when he felt a hot, wet pressure suddenly build, breaking past the seal the jackal made.

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Cherished (Your Lancer Part 2)

His training over spring did not make him into a matchless warrior, but the jackal took on his peers, and even won many times. that barely mattered to the jackal, however.

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Second Chances

"second chances" by aureus jackal the golden jackal sat in front of his computer and stared at the screen as his tail swished nervously behind him.

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Desert Nights

The jackal tasted, well, like jackal, which was to say mostly of fur. looking up, krystof could see isk watching closely, a grin splitting his muzzle.

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