Guin Saga Zodiacs: Shidoh's Rebirth

I wish to be reincarnated, i wish to be closer to our savior." the man said pleading. "very well, i shall craft a special mask for you, tomorrow, your reincarnation will be completed, byin." zoden said placing a hand on his shoulder.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 29

"and what's that 'reincarnate' thing you keep mentioning?" lykou added. "when someone dies, they don't always pass on to the afterlife.

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Trouble in Paradise

"do you believe in reincarnation?" kazam asks. "not really, but i'm not sure any life after death belief system is accurate." psi fox admits honestly. "do you think wraith is the grim guardian reincarnated?"

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Drom 4: Reincarnation

#4 of drom drom 4: reincarnation milo's vision was a sea of blurred blues and greys as the world slowly came into focus. his mind felt clouded and sluggish, as if he was waking from a long, deep slumber.

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The Forgotten Experiment: Reincarnation

Shad could see a figure come to him from the darkness. It was a women, but she was different. She had a slightly different ouline than a womens body. It almost looked as if it had fur on the skin. The figure stood there in front of Shad. It held out a...

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Reincarnation chapter 1

Chapter 1: The break up My name is Soul, I am sixteen years old with a loving boyfriend, an apartment, good friends and a dark secret linked to my past that I dare not tell anyone. I dare not tell anyone because this secret literally kills people. I...

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Reincarnation chapter 2

Chapter 2: On the mend Dean got to the door a couple of seconds after I rung the bell. I gave him a smile which he returned happily and pulled me into a hug that said 'I am here for you'. I returned the hug gladly before I pulled away. He...

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Chapter 77 - Deep Breath Before the Plunge

Part of this responsibility is to reawaken each reincarnate under controlled conditions. after fully realizing who you are, you have to be surrounded by your guardians.

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My Knight in Shinning armour ch10

"the down side is the fact that i'm basically dracula reincarnated with my powers. you've seen my other form..."

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Half-Blood Chapter XLV

"so.. it turns you shagged the reincarnation of your great-grandfather eh? kinky!" jonah said wagging his eyebrows in a suggestive manner which made richard roll his eyes. "shut up!"

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Alpha informs you about the truth, that you will be reincarnated as another person on the earth, with a clean slate. no knowledge of this information at all, that is until you die again.


Life for Sale: A Deep Bite

Life for sale: a deep bite bazz found that getting up after some of his rougher sessions was often a hard thing to do even with his body fully healing up after reincarnation.

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