Rough Start 2

And he sends him for an ultrasound scan. and has caleb and ben come back to his office. dr michaels is looking surprised when he walks into the room. "caleb, you are pregnant" he says in shock.

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Changes: Part 1

"okay, time to go that ultrasound, i'll try to make it quick, it's always a little odd the first time."

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Terry's Calves

We both get huge by 4 months and ultrasounds show we both have twin texas longhorn bull calves in our bellies. i give birth first, willy births his calves a week later. edward gets his brothers to come be our nannies after the calves our born.

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Terry's Stallion Foals

Willy only has one foal inside him while i have twins verified by an ultrasound at 3 months. we're both unwed birth fathers, but together we raise our foals after they're born.

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An Elephant Cop

I have no idea who's it is until the ultrasound and my guys are happy that it's a rhino son from caleb. ray and caleb love each other too. as they love me.

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The new dinosaur (part1)

I said "we can take ultrasounds and x-rays to guess when they are ready to hatch" she nodded.

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Pit inspection

"convict's heartbeat was confirmed by ultrasound. food and water intake and excretion are continuing. inspection will begin momentarily" i signal the guards to proceed.

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What's One More?

. -- chiaro clenched his husband's hand as they stared at the ultrasound monitor. it had been about sixteen weeks since that heavenly warmth spread through his loins, quenching his searing heat.

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cindy 5-it's time

Cindy giggled as joyce ran the ultrasound wand over her big tummy "ah there we are." joyce gruffed and sam looked at the screen. a fuzzy grainy image came up and cindy squeezed sam's paw tightly.

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Something For Everyone - Part Two - Epilogue -

You _could_have come to the third-trimester ultrasound appointment..." adrian grinned lopsidedly, one ear going flat. "my love, you _know_i got to work two jobs, to support not only you; but these two..."

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