Sharing is Caring

Near their table and behind the one where the poor wolf husky had gotten laughed at, the grey furred dragon wolf sat near a scaled lizard clad with fur and feathers.

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Khalon the Lizard Adventurer 2: The Dragoness

The furred dragon smiled back up at khalon, her fingers dancing over his shaft, which was already hard and throbbing.

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Caught in the Act

His mate - a blue-furred dragoness by the name of luna - was still peacefully asleep by his flank. he didn't want to be awake, but there was no chance of returning to sleep now. there was too much noise and too much light.

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Just One More

With a big whiff, the green furred dragon smiled, taking a slow walk through. the room littered with work out machines and weights, the users laden with sweat, muscles bulging and flexing.

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Dirt In The Park

"you seem new" he looked over at the furred dragon inquisitively"hm? oh, i am. in a way" he responded with, putting his focus on the barely-clothed feral before him, other distractions out of his mind for now shook her head just saying nicely. "nah...

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Bored Dragons Are Perverted Dragons

As the green furred dragon continued taking notes, he felt something vibrate in his pocket. raising a brow, his eyes darted around the room.

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Twilight forest

A massive fred furred dragon is slumbering in the center of his hangout spot. that's not all, though, a heavy musk lingers in the air. the musk is alluring, like the bodies of jacks wrestling partners.


Saying goodbye...

You are my gorgeous fur dragon. my beautiful mate. even though i am sad when i say goodbye, don't think i'm not happy. because... you make me happy~

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A Photographer Nature's Secrets story

He is greeted by a majestic spectacle: a pair of blue-furred dragons with deer-like horns flying over the area, imposing a commanding presence.

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A World Gone Insane

A furred dragon?" "yep, thick white fur. we thought that would make her rarer and more valuable. will you buy her or not? we could take her to a couple of collectors or..." "no," the other voice snapped.

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