
The lab's experiments sometimes reached a point where anthro testing was the only way to progress. she could never bring herself to order anyone to undergo their experiments, or have the military or other black ops groups bring them test subjects.

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Drug Tests

They got their lab experiments done, and at first glance, even drew the structures correctly. william watched the arrogant young student strut quietly out of the room, tail swishing behind him in time with his step.

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Fateful Happenstance: Chapter 1

Scanning his copy of the lab experiment, the wolf grabbed a tube labeled 'potassium permanganate' in his right paw. he had a glint in his eye that seemed to spark with scientific curiosity. intrigued, i studied his face a little closer.

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Saber's War - Chapter 2: Testing, testing...

They see us as freaks, lab experiments, but they usually don't try to do anything. after all, they have to follow orders like the rest of us. and someone back on earth obviously has a lot of clout to keep this operation going and under such secrecy."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 38: Want To Die For The Sake Of The Universe? You Better Check With Me First

You remember when you unwillingly became a lab experiment of the goat lady mara?" my mom asked me. "yes." i nodded. "well you aren't the only one that has been experimented on. the bear woman that you live with for instance.

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 9

"yes, i think basil will make just as good of a lab experiment as peaches has been..." blake could hear his chains creaking more... the restraints were shifting... even loosening a little. he was so close now...

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FiFi's Revenge

Still, it was interesting, and gave him good hands-on lab experience. this, i thought, is looking better and better!

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Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 4 - Deep Spaced Gargoyle

Hoary, on the other hand, let out a sigh as she realized her lab experiment was destroyed at this point by the heat. even in the self contained and sealed room, as well as their sealed containers, it was nearly 70°c inside.

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Nothing Else Matters

The tubes and cables framing his face made him look like a lab experiment. the first time he'd seen him like that, he'd fainted. the sight had hit him deeply, and the pain had sucked the last bit of joy out of jester's body.

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Jak's Wild - CH 02

I mean, he didn't just gouge out your eye and chop your arms off and replace them as a lab experiment, did he?" "no, but to be honest, the corporation may well have made him do stuff like that to other lab subjects. i don't know.

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Stranded Part VII (Final)

They might decide we're more useful as lab experiments than lab assistants." "we're too valuable for that, bets." said einstein, perhaps more boldly than he felt. "we can shed light on the processes at work here on the island.

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Jak's Wild - CH 4

Nothing out of the ordinary, other than that nekonya was apparently a prototype android who a friend of his had built as an unauthorized lab experiment. their packet indicated that felrasa had legally purchased nekonya from her maker.

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