daring do story

I'm not a mare i'm a stallion no mare no argh fuck me please" she said lifting her tail and squirting juices the futa god smiled and licked that pussy getting a taste she then slide her over her own cock using her like a sock.

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A Dragon's Dream Adventure! Part Three

Nary moaned and winced as yukei lifted her tail and began licking her. sheiko had the perfect vision of yukei's white-scaled crotch while nary pressed her snout to it.

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Lonely Hearts

She asked seductively, slipping into her seductive voice as she took a few steps away from him and lifted her tail, spreading her back legs, her head curling around to bring her tongue into range.

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Catholic Bitch: On A Break

She clenched up, lifting her tail and pushing her butt in mercury's face. "buffy..." he gasped. "you want it," she said. "i want it. your _girl_wants it. just do it."

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Ward 16: Canine Interruptus

She'd said, turning around and lifting her tail for him. raven could have sworn she could watch the gears turning in his head, eyes lighting up when he finally, painstakingly got it. "yes, ma'am."

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Lady and the Tramp. Angel's heat

She lifted her tail and scamp could see the place where her heat was starting to approach. he stood up and un-sheathed himself, revealing the glistening pink flesh of his penis. he then moved in to mount her.

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Dirty Dancing

"oh i can feel that~" she said as she lifted her tail, slowly pressing herself closer to the beetle and letting his bulge feel her lack of underwear under it. just flustered a bit at this making a bit of a chuckle here.

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Dog sitting

I looked at her as she smirked and lifted her tail showing off her puffy vagina, i looked back at her face and noticed her watching me intently.

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One hand gripped and lifted her tail as the other started to spank her like she was naughty child, only now there was a clearly more sexual edge to it.

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to charm a dragon part 12

Amethyst gave a wordless moan of near-anger and pushed him away with her foot, lifting her tail high and pleading with him wordlessly.

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Of winning and losing

Every night after we lay down to bed she would lift her tails to me letting me plumb her deeps with my fingers, when she cums on my digits she tells me "soon it will be your cock"...

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That's Entertainment

Her tits slid across the cold tiles exciting her immensely, lifting her tail and holding herself up on all fours after they released her, waiting for her new lovers.

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