August 7: Late Night Call

I lied down on the futon with the lights out, fan at the side of the open window and aimed at my direction.


After School Practice 1

The tan dog lied down and put his paws on the bar. chris put his under the bar for support and began the workout.

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Kelly's Story:Linking the Chain

#5 of kelly's story kristan slides over to where her two friends were lying down.

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1000 Words: Twice Tied, Double-Knotted

Though i'm lying down, rufus puts his forelegs around my waist. i yell at him, but nothing works. i watch as he lines his dick up with my now well-lubricated vagina, crouching low.

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Jesse's Mermaid Experience

Jesse straightened up and stretched out her arms as she lazily glanced around the small area and decided to lie down for a short nap, she lied down on a small pile of sand bags and let her eyes shut.

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In the Shadow of Life- Prologue, Part 4: The Dust Settles

I went over to my nest to lie down, and heard abby settle into the nest, behind me. she pressed herself against my back, draped her arm over my shoulder, and then lay still.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 3: 1st Day in mushroom swamp

At the moment cynder moved her left leg the pain reminded her why she was lying down. "ahh!" she screamed briefly, dropping herself back on soil, but started crawl to spyro trying to ignore pain in her leg as best she could.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Eighteen

Redding lied down and calmed his breathing but his heart still raced. he was frustrated that others were out there fighting in a battle that he should be there for.

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The Dragon's Slave

One day at school, joey was lying down on the grass while his friends were playing soccer in gym class. joey laid there, staring at the sky, when he heard a twig snap in the forest near where he was lying down at.

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Black-Eyed Girl

I'm going to lie down for a few minutes. keep an eye on the girl for me, and call me when when she wakes up," i asked. "will do," claire agreed.

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Untouchable: Chapter 36: Confessional: Sean

Hurt them honey, oliver's right let's get you to lie down," mom said."i won't hurt xander so it won't work anymore, it only works if i hurt canid's and that's bad," sean said trying to stand but slumping back into the chair."

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