Gray And Valkyrie - Chapter Three - Light Type

His motions were slow, yet as she began to buck her hips in unison to his own, he sped up, a mild pain arising as she was stretched to her limits.

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The Gods must be crazy

Javid, salbar and draco would brave the waters, all of them had mild pains. salbar because he was still not used to teleport, he had done his ankle when arriving, and javid had a headache from whatever.

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All's Fair... Ch. 6

My arms struggled to lift me as i hoisted myself onto my rump, the movement being mildly painful, otto and sheila were asleep at the end of the cage opposite the jackal i suspected to be mordecai. "you there, jackal, what's your name?"

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His voice was low enough that it caused only mild pain in the husky's sensitive ears. exedus looked up at the grey eyes, which were each larger than his head. he flinched as misha lifted one gigantic hand, and then erected a lone finger.

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Bane's Untold Love Story

He was so large she had to keep from crying out in mild pain and shock, but he stayed where he was, forehead against her pulsing throat, muscles clenched like bungee cords stretched too taunt, and when she felt the shock and pain pass, only then dd he start

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Bane's Untold Love Story

He was so large she had to keep from crying out in mild pain and shock, but he stayed where he was, forehead against her pulsing throat, muscles clenched like bungee cords stretched too taunt, and when she felt the shock and pain pass, only then dd he start

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A Prisoner's Request

It was that sort of mild pain that brings about more and more pleasure. he pulled out until just the head remained inside, and then pushed back in, causing a release of endorphins on both of them.

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A Filthy Fling

Kevin turned his head around to look back at his lover, his eyes kevin grunted out in mild pain as the invading cock cause stings to shudder through his rear. "ah, steve, it-it's so big, it feels like it's filling my entire insides up!"

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A simple story I ( 18/22 )

mild pain was felt. and it seemed to him that his legs were shaking a little. « oh, fuck... » fred was still unable to remember the exact place of the events. but one thing was certain. he had lost his virginity.

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A Night With The Virginators

Nothing could describe the amazing sensations, the mild pain and the overwhelming pleasure, the slippery, tight, gripping entrance and the delightful fullness that came to leon in that instant, as he filled, and was filled, all at once.

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Dannys night at the club

Jotting something down she hands it to him and says it's some mild pain meds for the ripping. he nods and takes the paper. "oh and you're free to go just sign out."

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A Rose from the East - Part Two

She kept her body squeezed tight as she bounced her body over him, continually tugging at the knot until jacob was so full of mildly painful pleasure that he didn't know what to do with himself.

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