NAS characters.txt

He or she appears in nightmares, the dying claim they can see him, those who have had near death experiences claim they saw him. skeptics say mass hysteria, as he appears in furcadian mythology as well. artpearance: kavaril is huge, 3 meters.

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The Halo: Chapter Five

Both spent time trying to catch their breath and calm down from the near death experience. vera looked at jim before lowering her head to rest in his lap. she had rolled onto her back so she could look up at him without moving much.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 45 (Inner Demons)

They looked up at their near death experience, they allowed themselves a moment of silent reprieve. "their expecting us." kiba sighed. "you're predictable!" a voice echoed through the forest.

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Bucket List

There have been two weeks since he was on terrible accident where he was close to loose his life, and he came out just with some scratches, and after a near death experience like that he decided that there were a lot of thing that he had to do before actually

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A Dream in the Twilight [Patron Reward]

Since falling through what they thought was a manhole but turned out to be a portal of some sort, carrow had had at least 3 near-death experiences at the hands of those things. nothing about this place was friendly - least of all its inhabitants.

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CoTJ 2: The Last Stand Act1 Part I

After the near death experience he looked again and saw a massive void solider, he couldn't count the number of different bodies that were patched together to make this abomination and unlike its much weaker counterparts this monster was encased in armour

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Dragons Lair pt 21

He had a flashback to his near death experience and ran right, to where myra would be. the corridor ended in a t junction. michael looked down both of them and turned right. saiu was following michael, "where are we going?" "no idea saiu."

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Walking Streets

I take the liberty of handbrake parking the cruiser, cutting off a bus and making a couple pedestrians have near-death experiences.

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Last Tango

The fox was frozen stiff from the shock of the near death experience, so jason had to shake him up good. "i-i-i'mok, t-thank you. i had t-to look both ways before crossing the road." at that moment jason couldn't help but chuckle.

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Against All Odds: Part 32 - Distances

'a near-death experience and the threat of never seeing them again'll do that to someone.' nathan shoved his thoughts aside just in time to hear his mother's contented reply. "oh, well... it's good to hear from you, too!"

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The end of things. Chapter 11: Absolution.

"far as the raid went, apart from your near death experience, it was a major success. sinnotech, as a problem in our backsides, is no more.

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A New Team

You see, because of many 'near-death' experiences, my spirit has become trapped in between the worlds of the living and the dead. as a result, i have become a medium, despite still not being super.

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