Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 39: A Dawn-less dawn (Conclusion)

"um it is, he figured out that rumble has a 'off' switch." "a what?" i said staring at the two teens. "it is a fail safe to bring rumble under control if he gets out of control." corbin said wiping his tears.

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Kickaha's Pest Control

"i really should just invest in pendulums of doom with an off switch." kickaha muttered. he lay there for a few seconds before remembering the traps outside. getting up he quickly ran out the house aiming to fix the trap doors in the roof.

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Superthicc Snow Leopard Robots... in Space!

It was inconvenient every time, having some computer suddenly flipping the off switch. sand fiddled with his tools for a while longer and soon finished up.

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Amongst the city - chapter 3

"and your mind closes every time you go out like that, i guess your mind has an auto off switch as its last fail safe to keep you protected.

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Tails' Diaper Days

Tails started to reach for the shut off switch but his friend stopped him. "don't worry about it tails, i'm just talking to knuckles. i promise to come get you before we go deal with robotnik.

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Molleen's secret

I searched for the off switch and flipped it. still the alarm clock blared. now i was pissed. my head in a quick and irrational thought came to the conclusion to beat it until it broke. and that's just what i did.

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Kyuubi no Wilde, Part One

Does your pussy not have an 'off' switch?" "p-pussy?" nick stammered, squirming from the unfamiliar feeling, "but i'm a man!" "the neediest man i've ever met.

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Pounded in a Parking Lot

"god i love that cat's have an off switch." he yanked me out of the car and slapped the door shut with his tail, opening the cab door. he tossed me inside.

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High school through my eyes: Pt. 3

He turned the volume knob on it down and whacked the off switch and headed down to the kitchen. "ok..." david's father said in a very serious tone. "what the hell is going on." "huh?" david said innocently.

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[Commission]Pump and Suck 2

He lifted a paw and flipped the off switch. abby sighed against his his tip. she quickly flexed her arms which made the needles pop out.

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Drool 2-2

Would have except there was no on/off switch. another imp waggled it's rear as he passed by on the stairs. "special today - use one hole, get the other holes free.." holes? thanks all the same, but no.

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 12

Once she done, she reaches up to flick the off switch but hesitates for a moment before turning back to face me. "i curious to see, um, what is going on with, er..." she blushes a deep red. i nod. "go ahead.

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