Legend of the White Lion

You must pray to the ancestors, have faith in the circles of life, and patience. you are the queen. simba loves you and you will bear his cubs when the ancestors are ready. " " i pray night and day raffiki, and what good does it do me?

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The Ghost Inside You

Our ancestors scream at us and we just turn the music up just a little louder. we ignore our hearts desires and commit acts of spite. humanity cannot hear what is held within his own heart and soul.

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History Rewritten: Prologue

Ascater asked his brother "i think we should" he replied "right john we are going to take to a simulator so you can live through your ancestor's lives to regain your memories" ascater told their guest as they helped him up he was a tall man about seven feet

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The Refusal

It was said that all the ancestors spoke through her and kept the tauren on a path of harmony. tauren often seek the shaman's wisdom when confronted with conflicts of massive proportions.

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160 Not So High Society

Possibly there are even some old friends from the last few times he was awake playing the part of the 'ancestors' after they had nowhere else to go for their eternal rest.

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Story: Whispa in the Wind

ancestors, he could only hope that his fertility-block spell could hold up against what he knew would be dozens of releases. an uncomfortably large part of his mind wanted it to fail.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 22

You and me are the same you see, and no matter what you might feel, for the ancestors at least you are still someone important and they will protect you" "who are those ancestors you talk about?

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How to Alternatively Respect One's Elders Within the Forest of the Zimmers

"this forest is where the ancestors of our family were first found." "with shelter inside of the houses that were built, what benefits could there be outdoors?" "the outdoors won't lie about the weather we have been currently having.

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The White Rose

The cursed of the two ancestors to those around me and i hated it. i sat up as i ached for something to ease the boredom, to ease my mind, and suddenly good fortune struck me.

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Yolfrin and Kin's weekend Part 2

"...yeess...ancestors..." "hah...sweet..." i panted and moaned out of lust and pleasure, also taking a big whiff at his neck. he had a light musky scent, both pleasing and exciting.

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