I Was a College Professor Reincarnated as a Wolf King?! Chapter 2

Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil.

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Assets of Aquarius

Assets of Aquarius For Libra-11 By Draconicon If there was one thing about teleportation that nobody remembered, it was the effect of arriving anywhere that wasn't padded. All the official tests had been carried out on padding...

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Going Under, Chapter 3 - Taking Control

"but what i'm doing isn't what harry gave his consent to." i was saying. "and he enjoys it because i program him to enjoy it, he can't not enjoy it.

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First Ride

"each seat has a consent yes switch and a revocation button. we don't want anyone to accidentally signal their consent when they don't mean it, after all!"

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[c] It's a Monster House!

Every single part of her ached in such a sweet, sweet way. Fio the Pikachu moaned from the sensation of it all. Her ass was raw and sore, carnal throbs still radiating and making her whole body tremble. Her pussy was little better; she'd been used and...

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The Cetra and the Lion, chapter 3

Sometimes, at night, Nanaki stirs, and I wake to feel an insistent hardness pressing against my back. He is gentlemanly; he never makes a move. When it grows too much to bear, he slinks quietly away into the darkness outside our den. If I listen close,...

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Transformation Vignette: What happens in Bokuso City...

Your vacation to Bokuso City is coming to a close, but you're determined to have one more unique experience before you leave. Thus, after a drug- and alcohol-fueled bender, you find yourself staggering in to the cool, well-appointed lobby of one of the...

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Night had fallen on the city of Euphoria, the capital of planet Echo 6-21. Echo 6-21 was not like other planets. Border policy was that the entire planet was an adults only zone, and that any individual entering must have reached eighteen Terran years...

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Rosa’s Good Boys

Honestly, she might have been mortified if anyone were on the streets to see her. Rosa wasn't sure when she'd become so shameless, but the thrill that ran through her as she made her way down the empty cobble streets, plush and perky tits bouncing...

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Pete's Little List: The Walrus

Pete's Little List: The Walrus Paperwork had to be the fucking worst thing in the world. At least that's how an irritated and overworked Pete D'caht felt as he signed his name at the bottom of yet another order form for windshield cleaner. Why the...

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