A Game of Smash

I swear," wiz gasped into the microphone with what he had left. "psst. from all the moaning it sure sounds like it," a voice on the call said.

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Appointed for Public Service

Turas was still alive and still thrashed, soft 'thud... thud... thump...' noises were still audible through the microphone.

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Team Violet 6: Harmony

Junis tapped her microphone. "davet?" no response. she turned the dial and tried again, "espeon?" but was met only with silence. she looked to the controller. "at what point did the sensors stop recording?"

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Sammy Plays.

The silence held for several second before he took the microphone stand in hand, leaning it forward and speaking softly. "well times up. maybe next time."

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Claiming the top deck

Vera added and held the microphone out to lottle to talk into. "fuck, i want all of them." lottle said, her eyes wide with excitement. "well, it shouldn't be long, we are arriving at port soon!"

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Two Bumps and a Chance of Rain

He fidgeted with the microphone in front of him, even though it was already perfect. kylend took the time to let loose another round of liquid.

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Barry's Big Day

Once he had finished explaining his years of cheating (and worse) to me, i picked up my microphone again. i was going to have to figure out something appropriate for this guy.

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Chapter II: Conversation All-Stars

microphones cannot record gestures," the doberman commented plainly. "sorry. yes, that's correct." the wolf was starting to feel uncomfortable.

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 4: Deathmatch

Then the announcer turned off the microphone and asked ginger. ''ah do you have your pokemon at the gates or something?'' ''yes just do your thing and get the fight started.'' then the announcer turned the mic on and continued speaking.

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Chapter Nine

It took awdae just under two hours to find the microphone. the first hour was spent searching the auditorium thoroughly.

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Hybrid Whores - Chapter 2

The microphone was switched off and using the intercom, he called the order for the lights to be turned up. kit was standing centre stage, no surface chosen as yet, that would come once he saw his partner for the stream.

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Devil Seed Ch.11

He leaned up against the nearby wall and adjusted his microphone. "zero, the staircase leading to the top floor is ready to fall apart. is there another way up?" "just a moment." said zero.

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