You're My Life Now

As always, i luuuuuuuuv constructive comments more than anything else. there isnt any smexy stuff in here, so im sure i wont get many faves or anything, but meh. i wanted to finish the series anyways. does contain gayness, so quit your bitching; if you didnt

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Those Three Words

Whew ok _finally_ got this chap 4 done over spring break. im really sorry if i kept anyone waiting (i know how annoying it can be). anyway i decided to try something new: put all the smexy stuff in the beginning ^^. that way all the horny

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Of Fear and Faith Ch. 1: Fly With Me

smexy." vatra grinned, putting her paws up on the counter. "can never be too careful." north's comment caused vatra to chuckle. "i'm going to meet you at the town gate, alright?" vatra nodded. "and phenix, i hope to meet you there too, okay?"

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Zygote Studies

Yay for more smexy dragon breeding =d i borrowed synx and his pet fenrier for this one doing naughty things at school >.> just random story done at random for no reason in particular other then it was fun to do ^_^ so enjoy damnit ;p <3 mah fans!

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Straight Shot

I've already started work on the next chapter, which will be a smexy smut chapter not visible to the public. it will be visible to friends only. a special reward for you folks, who have given much love concerning the halo chronicles series.

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A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

#5 of a dragon in suburbia i wrote a slightly more pervier dragon thing than the last dragon thing all of the people who skipped over my last chapter due to it being clean and having no adult scenes and were screaming "ausfer, where is mah hawt dwaggy smexy

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Virgin Virus - Ch24: Atonement

She's smexy." - boto smirked. - "and you raiko, who would you do?" - the two turned to look at the thunder demon. the sound reached raiko's ears, but they were unintelligible. - "hey, rai!

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QCP: NS-04 Filling in For Krypto

And i fear yuskay more because he is larger than a titano, but all sexy-smexy." he winked with a rare grin. "he is that hot, is he?" i asked with some interest. it was rare for the bathound to talk about how sexual someone was.

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Scarborough Fair story One Chapter Five

Leu considered, then said, "very smexy. doesn't panic easily, and is good with a weapon. she doesn't seem to have any problem dealing with others, either.

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Big/huge thanks to my only and smexy editor meheggs for the help. i'm improving but still need his help it seem. check him out here and on fa, he is a nice guy.

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Of Fear and Faith Ch. 2: Prayers

I got nice and close to north's smexy chest and tried to sniff out this mystery woman. "well sort of." he pushed my face away from him. "i believe that god listens to all of her children, even those that don't believe in her."

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Dragon Ranch: Driving Miss Nixi (with art!)

._ _(hit crtl + f and search for "tease" to jump to the smexy times)_ dragon ranch: driving miss nixi dinner had been finished a while ago.

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