Rainy Day Play

The constant din of the rain striking against the road and the roof barely made it to hard cover's ears, however, as they were drowned out by the constant clicking of the heavy typewriter keys against the paper rolled up in it.

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An Arabian Night (Second Eternity - Eps 5)

Dominic had wasted no time in getting his trusty typewriter out and was typing some sort of report up on it. "what are you typing?" faroth asked.

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[Nihilophobia]:A Detective Story Noir, pt. 1

His single room office consisted of a table, a chair, a typewriter and then a collection of books and folders in various cardboard boxes scatted all around the mostly empty, metal-box office.

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Blind Mans Bluff

He had a regular typewriter board, and his fingers seemed to fly over the keys without hesitation. i tried to be quiet, and darryl never seemed to notice where i was. at six o'clock, darryl stretched and yawned.

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Love Loss

"yesterday i did not want to be borrowed but this is the typewriter that sits before me and love is where yesterday is at." ?[anne sexton](http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/26814.anne_sexton) author's note : i wanted this to be sad.

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Chapter 16: More trouble...

More careful this time, the typhlosion was soon putting his typewriter training to good use, fingers flying across the keys as he gazed intently at the screen content, occasionally guided by paul as he pursued their goals of tracking down sinnotech's

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One such tool is the typewriter in the break room. most officers have assigned typewriters at their desks for writing reports, but the one in the breakroom is considered the best, but is locked away in a suitcase.

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Scavenging for Survival

Winner of silver typewriter for action/adventure (sfw) category in the first annual golden typewriter awards.

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Subject of Inquiry

It was somewhat like stepping into a bit of a time capsule as the television on its cart was from the 70s, there was an electric typewriter under its yellowed plastic cover on a typewriter stand up against the wall under the large window that looked out onto

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