
Panic set in and he began to struggle, the whole wheelchair was shaking and groaning under the bear's assault, but ultimately held him in place.

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The Adventures of Dingo Dan, Part Two

Since then, the dingo's been active, despite the fact that he'd been in the wheelchair most of the time, helping out when he could in any way.

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My Kitty Chapter 10

They set me back on the bed and put the wheelchair away. i pulled the blanket over me and got comfortable. the nurse walked in. "good afternoon, mike." "hey." "how are you feeling?" "not to bad today." she walked to the side of the bed. "great."

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Cry Me a Murder (Part three) The Sun, the Sea and the Silent Scream

The bed was pushed all the way up to the window, leaving no room for the wheelchair, so catalina and i pulled the bed further into the room.

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The Monster of Newbourne; or, Lady Kinstone's Lover

The room seemed empty, apart from lord kinstone's wheelchair; it was lying on its side in the middle of the room, next to the remains of a smashed whiskey bottle. the rabbit stared at the wheelchair in confusion.

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HM-08 The Unicorn Planet Mystery

As adam was wheeling his wheelchair along the canyon trail, he suddenly became aware of something walking along with him, just behind his wheelchair. he stopped the wheelchair and saw...

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One's Learned Preferences 2

She felt as if she had been tugged into some sort of trap, but the scent, the situation, and more pulled her down to her knees at the side of the wheelchair.

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Ch 13 - Never Forget the Ones You Love

Then the small crowd parted, being passed through by a huge white-and-black snowtiger in a wheelchair pushed by a black panther. a rose-pointed siamese fem walked beside him, holding the tiger's paw.

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A Second Chance in Life - 5

The bear pushed the bull in the wheelchair into the room.

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A Cure for Writer's Block

"i'm just gonna'... go for a walk," i answer, turning myself around to sit on the seat of my wheelchair. "it's just to clear my head."

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Gone and Come Home Ch. 7

A few minutes later, she came back out with a nurse with her, and a wheelchair. they got me out of the car into the wheelchair, and wheeled me into the small office.

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Welcome to New Racona

Goodnight parker". he turned around and rolled his wheelchair."goodnight" responded parker while watching harold crossing the small road on his wheelchair. he took a last look at the building before going inside.

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