Not your typical romp in the sack

I wrapped my arms around my shaft in a choke hold and fucked upwards into my grip.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 30

Before the dragon could land that strike, however, he was quickly faced with other issues: one of them being zarch jumping up onto the dragon's back, the demon wolf ensnaring his arms around the dragon's neck in a choke hold!

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The Guardian: Awakening

Took care of the problem quickly by putting the brute to sleep in a choke hold and was going to take him to your barracks to sleep it off. he threaten his fellow brother's lives yet he didn't get the chance to act accordingly as i intervened.

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A Gay Royal Wedding

She then got up on stage, kicked me in the stomach, pinned me to the ground, punched me in the face a couple times and got me in a choke hold. "it's your fault!

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The War ch2 Introducing Each Other

She proved to be faster than him and caught up to him in seconds; she jumped on him and knocked him to the ground, then grabbed him by the neck with her hands and put him in rear naked choke hold.

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Gateway: The Fallen (14)

But damien hadn't let up and brought his legs up to his chest with him to absorb the choke hold, then forcing them straight down to the ground to throw the husky forward off balance and over the tiger's shoulder's.

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Just a Walk in the Woods Ep4

He never heard me coming and i had a choke hold on him before he even started to struggle, cutting off any chance of him shouting for help as well as pinching the blood vessels in his neck.

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The Wolf in the Room

Now i watched the elephant keeping the cheetah in a choke-hold, while he cut him with his knife. the cheetah screamed as the blade slashed all over his body again and again. not deep enough to kill him, of course, his day of death was not today.

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Forest of dispair and hope

This somehow seemed to please the plant as it pulled the vine out slightly from his mouth and released its' choke-hold a bit.

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Kiss My Arse 8 - Failed Murder

She held her hand out in a choke hold as the strange force closed off my windpipe. the crackle of electricity from the boys fingers told me it was over. a blue energy covered my body as the lightening spread across the room.

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Meet Howard version 2

She placed him in her forearm, locking him in a choke hold close to her bosoms as she danced two of her coal black claws across the brim of his hat. "but there's just one teensy weensy wittle pwob-wum."

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