Coyote Secrets

Coyote Secrets By Zrathie Anticipation was the worst part. Richard had a view of the wolf in the bed opposite him. The wolf had soft charcoal fur. He was bound in a tightly strapped canvas straitjacket and strapped to the medical bed with...

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The Tribe - 9

I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I am currently on vacation in San Jose, CA I enjoyed writing this one! I expect a lot more out of this story, and have a lot planned in my head. Let me know what you all think! Or what you all would like to...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 6

_Bzzt - bzzt._ That would be Marlin again. It had taken some manner of willpower for Eli to glance at his phone earlier, see the _2 new messages_ notification, slide it open to verify who those messages had come from - though really, he didn't _need_to...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 8

Eli looked up as the two walked, puffy white clouds obscuring the smooth blue of the rest of the sky, and that only able to be seen in patches between the thick-leafed branches of the trees arching over the pathway. So, _so_ many memories here at this...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 7

"...So as I was saying," Lynn went on, reaching down to get another bite out of her stack of pancakes. As she raised it to her muzzle, a fat drop of thick syrup dripped off and landed right along the line of her collarbone, warm amber on smooth slate....

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Taking By Surprise [Patreon Commission]

_Stupid sexy hyenas_. The wild dog sighed and adjusted himself in his pants one more time, before setting his keys on the shelf and turning down the hall towards the living room._Stupid sexy Shekh. Distracting me all day. Keeping my mind busy. Ugh._ ...

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Enhancing His Performance Pt. 2

Stephan's mom took his vomit story well enough. It helped he told her he was nauseous earlier in the morning, and feigning deep embarrassment explained why he didn't tell anyone at school but simply rushed home. He didn't stop texting Thom in that...

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Used and Used Again [Trade]

"Look, look - he's wakin' up..." Simeon groaned and rolled over - and promptly bumped into something hard and cold preventing him from moving any further. His head pounded, his legs ached, his throat burned like he'd tried to downed either a really...

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The Hardest Part [Patreon Commission]

On the third day of their vacation, something in their car froze - and neither of the wild dog twins knew enough about cars to figure out just what it was. Lack of cell phone service way out here in the mountains meant that they couldn't call anyone...

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After hitting it off with a very charming african wild dog fursuiter at ac this year, i've been wanting to write a story featuring an awd, so this is the result.

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Funishment Machine

An African Wild Dog zipped about his workshop in a hurried attempt to get himself dressed before his guests arrived. The university graduate and former employee of the facility pulled black slacks and a lab coat over his fur; the colours of which were...

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Days by the Pool

The holiday had been much, much overdue. England was lovely, but it wasn't typically a place you associated with sunny, sandy beaches, and relaxing vacation destinations. Even Isiat couldn't argue the point. They made an odd couple in...

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