Candy Fiend Showdown

"could you explain that a little better?" snowheart asked. "there are spirits in this world that only children can see." sammie explained. "i'm one of them. we take many forms.

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The Model - Chapter Thirty Three

"i spoke to my father on the phone, he wants to come and see me," i explained. kurt's eyes widened. "what, here and now?" "yes," i explained with a heavy heart.

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Change of Perspective Page 28

We wish to help but our current tasks are a priority," f110118 explains as it glances over at its fellow platform hub.

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A guide to understanding COC

To explain the censorship so you do not become confused when you see it, i will explain and use an example.

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Beat the Heat...

The bull explains as he strolled over to a small metal container and lifted the lid, a chilly mist waffled out. "it cools ya off better than anything else."

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Pound Puppies: Bright-Eyes 1st Heat

"well it started when i woke up and felt tingly down there" explained bright-eyes. bright-eyes continued to explain how she and whopper went to howler for an explanation but all he could say was she was in heat and to ask someone else.

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He who Captured a Tainted Blade

"i'll have to check your other pokémon to see if it is," the nurse explained.

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Second Chance

All four explorers explained to king draguunus that they were on a space exploration expedition and their landing was an accident and explained where they were from and what earth was like.

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Interlude 2: Dead!!!!!

Going back into the kitchen to explain everything, hilda had made a coffee as nathan and cheren took a seat.

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The Model - Chapter Fourteen

"it was," i explained. "my father to be precise." "how was he?" "awkward, but not angry. he's also expecting you to come tomorrow," i explained. "that's good i guess," kurt replied. the doberman walked over and hugged me tightly.

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