LMTK Chp. 3 by AnonEmis

If my friends found out that i was in love with my trainer, they'd probably never talk to me again because generally, inter-species relationships were frowned upon.           "don't play innocent with me, typlosion."

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Ch. 2

#2 of interspecies experimentation ch.2 if oro plays his cards just right, maybe he can have his way with his host tonight... **_"oh shit...he's on top of me...and he's so heavy. don't let this get out of control.

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Fur space chapter one, begin the madness.

"well firstly, you've got a new roommate-" "rule 58 of the quarters, no inter-species roommates" i quickly retorted. i hated roommates. "yes" adam muttered, gritting his teeth in frustration."

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Jona Vastenhout joins the FBA

He was unknown in boston interspecies university until he started playing basketball for the team.

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The Greys Chapter 20: Investigation

He had just pulled out his cellphone to flip through some pred-prey inter-species porn when a familiar voice came over his desk phone's speaker. "hey chief.

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Jack Hopps Chapter 1 Part 3 of 4 (A Zootopia Story)

Nick: honestly i care for you so much i would, but how i feel and zootopia not allowing the interspecies. i can't say how i feel. judy looked at nick and finished the lasts of her coffee. judy: we won't know until we try.

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Placing the leash of the devil in the hands of a timid lamb

Her assignment as handler for this 'interspecies watchdog' was not going to be simple political policing, she was truly shackled to the reins of a raging beast and she wasn't certain if she was strong enough to bring him to heel. "no?

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[Request] Cat Augmentation (BoltxMittens)

Strangely, the strap-on she had ordered didn't come with any instructions for inter-species humping, but she was quite confident that doggy-style would be the easiest way of doing it.

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The College Experience Chapter Two; Sexual Predators

Just that inter-species relations lead to a lot of difficulty, particularly when one person eats meat and the other doesn't!" she said, defending herself. morgan groaned."

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A Colorful Life Story - poetic story

Her heart breaks, but this is normal for interspecies couples. at least she has the one survivor, who she protects with her life. the day this egg hatched is the day rupak nearly beat her to death. "i refuse to take care of that abomination!

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