All These Feeling. Part Three.

Davi laughed, "still haven't gotten any better i see" "hey, i'm not that bad!"

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Redwall: Cluny's Victory

The horde laughed uproariously, their laughter echoing throughout the halls. the redwallers just looked on as their poor warrior was humiliated. "ha! i think our little warrior here is shy!" cluny laughed, eliciting more laughter from his horde.

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Birth(Chapter 23)

Carol laughed and said, "i'm a grandmother to three children now, i need to feel young." ron laughed now and said, "i'll take you out tomorrow night." carol grinned, "good."

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The karate dragon's Tickling Torture

He was unable to form a word due to his laughter. sarra has managed to make the poor karate dragon the most helpless victim of all. as the poor karate dragon laughs and laughs for what seemed like hours.........

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Chapter 32: Naughty Boy

Ohana laughed. "then maybe i should spank you every afternoon that you sneak over here!" "don't tell anyone," kilyan whispered. "especially not zalia. she'd tell keeno and then he'd laugh at me and i'd never live it down."

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Alphys Höek CHAPTER 2

Undyne laughed merrily. "the better to bite your fucking flesh off with, my dear!" chara laughed, throwing alphys and undyne into a cage together and waltzing off to his living room to watch tv.

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A Collection of Lowblows

The wolf laughed and now the panther had started joining in. "hey! i know you're not laughing, panther! yours is barely bigger than mine!" jack pouted as the panther scoffed at him.

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Different Worlds (part 1of2)

I wiped away my tears and laughed quietly to my self. " a wolf right?" she laughed. "he's my son." i stared at her in awe looking at the squrril.

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First Day of Sophomore year(Chapter 24)

Paulie laughed as they walked out of the classroom, "i'm happy my mom isn't that psycho." dean took his turn to laugh and said, "oh ya, she's totally sane." in a sarcastic voice.

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Chapter 59 A Glutton for Punishment

Princess alexandria laughed her tinkling laugh. "if daddy had his way, the thing would be sitting on his _cock_ at supper." more laughter rose round the table as queen yvonne and princess sophie frowned.

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Smile and Laugh

Nbsp; i don't know where i'm going from here i may live a short life, or i may live a long one a life lived without laughter is no life at all, no matter how dark it seems so i just smile and laugh