Jason & Hart: Part One - Hart's Journey To University

On the eastern sea front North West of the small town known as Foothills, that had a population of close to three thousand people. It is well known to be filled with a strong presence of catholic faith; story begins with two friends from university...

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A Beast Learns To Live - Epilogue

The following is the intellectual property of willem tobey (nom de plume). usage outside of personal entertainment purposes will bring shame upon you and your family.

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 4

I was about to nod off to sleep, when i became aware of a nomming on my ear. i raised my head and one of my pups, ornlu, tumbled off.

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A Journey of Morsels Ch 01 - Prep Work

I was gonna give you the instant noms potion, but you got the delayed one. lasts a few days compared to a few hours, but takes about six or eight hours to properly take effect."

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Une bonne vache

Cléa se rappelait a peine de son nom , trop occuper a manger pour nourrir se corps incapable de marcher avec cette paire de seins et ses deux mamelles. trois paires de seins énormes et deux mamelles pleine de lait pour ses enfants.

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Long and Winding Roads Ch. 1

He nommed happily on he strudel and buster smiled. "aye...it's really nice of ma....the fazackerley's....to help us." damien cocked his head to the side and merfed mid-bite, catching buster's tone.

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A SutomuRyuza and FrostDeathore RP - The Jail that Never Releases Anyone Chapter 1

Frost: i'm not that hungry ^^ me: \*noms anyway\* \<3 senji: \*still silent\* yosaru: uhh... o3o tyran sh: hey, you two. aren't you going to eat ur food?

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Chapter 13: Vowels of Silence.

I held up the other half, clicked it to hers and nommed it. it wasn't much of a bribe but... a jar of cookies left out in the open, under minimal security where we had to work together to get it?

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He didn't want anything to nom, but he wanted something else; and i'd be fucked if i was gonna pass up on that.

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Ryan, kangourou artiste

Ce quartier, qui n'a plus de "port" que le nom, est probablement l'endroit où vous aimeriez le moins vous trouver. il abrite brigands et rôdeurs de toutes sortes, et s'y balader la nuit n'est pas conseillé. pourtant, ryan n'en a que faire.

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You Leavanny and Learn

It was strange and some what awkward, but her gentle nomming was better than i could have imagined. i got worried when she tilted her head and took my boy sack into her mouth, but she knew what she was doing and my pleasure only intensified.

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